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Benchmark 4 unsigned to ascii algos.

Started by hutch--, November 20, 2010, 10:07:22 AM

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Yeah, its probably something like that or making it thread safe but it definitely justifies the "roll your own" approach.
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in truth, i would prefer using the masm32 lib functions over CRT....
1) we have control over when and how the code changes, and are aware of the precise implications
2) usually faster and better   :bg

i will say, the CRT is handy - sometimes you can grab a function without having to re-invent the wheel


Quote from: dedndave on November 22, 2010, 02:04:47 AM
in truth, i would prefer using the masm32 lib functions over CRT....
1) we have control over when and how the code changes, and are aware of the precise implications
2) usually faster and better   :bg

i will say, the CRT is handy - sometimes you can grab a function without having to re-invent the wheel

Agreed  :P
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