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New Assembler ...

Started by James Ladd, November 17, 2010, 11:54:42 PM

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James Ladd

Hi All,

I was experimenting with the features of the Ruby language and started to write a DSL for assembler.
Maybe this would turn into a new assembler or assembler driver at some future point.

Currently running the example.rasm file with ruby just prints the instructions.

Click on the example.rasm which is an example source file.
Click on rasmataz.rb which is the assembler driver (start of).

You can use ruby features like 'require' and 'gems' to make good features for an assembler.
ie: 'require' will include another file within another.

You might like the looks of this and use something similar on your own projects to make writing and
running the build process simpler.

You might even want to help me make this into a real assembler.
