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More Tests needed

Started by frktons, November 13, 2010, 11:21:28 PM

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The last version is much easier to read with the .DATA section info in a separate file. One more suggestion, where you have dynamic code (procedures, instructions etc ...) in a file, use the ASM extension, not INC. "include" extensions are generaly used for prototypes, data and similar. This way you more routinely know what type of code is where.

This is the result from the last version.

│OS  : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)                     │
│CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9650 @ 3.00GHz with 4 logical core(s) with SSE4.1    │
│        Algorithm notes           │Proc Size│ Test # 1 │ Test # 2 │ Test # 3 │ Test # 4 │
│01 Alex / MMX - PUNPCKLBW MOVQ    │    64   │    3.750 │    3.748 │    3.750 │    3.752 │
│02 Frank / 486 - MOV-BSWAP        │    43   │   10.702 │   10.701 │   10.703 │   10.700 │
│03 Frank / XMM PUNPCKLBW MOVDQA   │    45   │    1.847 │    1.842 │    1.842 │    1.847 │
│04 Alex / MMX - PUNPCKLBW MOVNTQ  │    64   │    6.108 │    6.120 │    6.102 │    6.087 │
│05 Frank / 386 - MOV-SHIFT        │    42   │   10.022 │   10.011 │   10.019 │   10.010 │
│06                                │         │          │          │          │          │
│07                                │         │          │          │          │          │
│08                                │         │          │          │          │          │
│09                                │         │          │          │          │          │
│10                                │         │          │          │          │          │
│11                                │         │          │          │          │          │
│12                                │         │          │          │          │          │
│13                                │         │          │          │          │          │
│14                                │         │          │          │          │          │
│15                                │         │          │          │          │          │
│16                                │         │          │          │          │          │
│ Esc         Exit       Copy       Run       View       Save       Info       F1 Help   │
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Thanks Steve, the results look good  :U

Your suggestion is a wise one, I'm going to implement it in the next version.  :bg

Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)



I had a suggestion for you, its been many years since i laid out a text mode screen but I still remember the basics of using the ASCII framing characters and something that should not be a big deal to do is having a dynamic layout control so that you adjust the number of test slots based on the number of tests you want to perform.

You would basically do it by building a series of components, a top bar, a space bar, a top info bar with downward branches, a space info bar with vertical dividers, a bottom info bar with matching upwards branches and for the very bottom of the display a bottom bar.

You store each as a string then construct the entire text mode window from these components in memory. Then you display it in one console write so its fast.

Text placement is done after by locating the text insertion position.
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Quote from: hutch-- on November 15, 2010, 11:10:11 PM

I had a suggestion for you, its been many years since i laid out a text mode screen but I still remember the basics of using the ASCII framing characters and something that should not be a big deal to do is having a dynamic layout control so that you adjust the number of test slots based on the number of tests you want to perform.

You would basically do it by building a series of components, a top bar, a space bar, a top info bar with downward branches, a space info bar with vertical dividers, a bottom info bar with matching upwards branches and for the very bottom of the display a bottom bar.

You store each as a string then construct the entire text mode window from these components in memory. Then you display it in one console write so its fast.

Text placement is done after by locating the text insertion position.

I had some thought about this way of designing the grid, adapting it to the number of the algo to test,
but I decided to leave this part for the future.  :P

When I fell like I'll probably code it. I also need the free necessary time. We'll see.  :U

Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)


Please, goto: "" - the main thread :P
And test my variation of algos manager and way of addition of algos and tuning of testbed.