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MemInfoMicro : The Return

Started by Antariy, October 25, 2010, 09:07:43 PM

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New version exits cleanly.  Nice work.  :thumbu
Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government



Thank you, Alan!

Thank you, Greg!



Well, due to sources is not exist, anybody have some questions, suggestions?
Which principles used is most interesting?

If nobody wants asks something, I'ld not bothered to write many text at my nice English :bg



Here is the modify sample of masm32 with sources.
He use GlobalMemoryStatusEx instead of GlobalMemoryStatus and wait your futur machines.


Here you go Alex.  Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. Pentium D 940.

I would be interested in how you kept it so small.


Quote from: ToutEnMasm on October 27, 2010, 07:11:37 AM
Here is the modify sample of masm32 with sources.
He use GlobalMemoryStatusEx instead of GlobalMemoryStatus and wait your futur machines.

ToutEnMasm, your remake of my program still have functionality much less than new version of MemInfoMicro.

If system have big memory, for example 8.5 GB, old program would show "8704 MB" - it is hard to read and understand. In case of future machines with, for example, 128 GB of memory, reading of "131072 MB" is just awesome. Program must be useful - i.e. results must be readable in easy way; and program must be *usable* - i.e. - compatible. GlobalMemoryStatusEx is does not supported by Win9x.

The differences between my old (even with your changes) and NEW programs:
My new program support memory of any size, without loss of compatibility with old Windows systems
My new program make results comfortable for reading independedly from size of memory.
My new program watch units of memory sizes - again for unified algo and comfortability of reading of results.
My new program have graphical indicator of free RAM - it is useful and have high sensitivity.
My new program have shell icon.
My new program works on ALL Windows, even on old Win9x.
My new program have size 984 BYTEs

I wonder why you still post my *old* (even remaked) programs to thread - this thread of *NEW* generation of that program, and this *NEW* generation is have much more functionality and still compatible with old Windows 9x. Also have look to size - this is most general thing which I point. The old program written to be small - too - I have send it to Hutch more than 2 years ago.



News: program was updated, new size 984 bytes (without loss of functionality of course!).

See for update an archive at first post of this thread.



Probably my English is so bad, that most of peoples is not understand it.

So, to make clear: MemInfoMicro which is included to MASM32 package is mine program! And this is very funny, that it is recalled after such big time :)




Your English isn't that bad, I understand you just fine.


Quote from: GregL on October 27, 2010, 10:28:43 PM
Your English isn't that bad, I understand you just fine.

Really? Well, I'm glady if that :bg

Greg, I have updated program, too. It is at first post of thread.



Quote from: GregL on October 27, 2010, 05:51:20 PM
I would be interested in how you kept it so small.

Greg, which details you wants to know at first order?

Well, I assume from start of the file format.

File has only one section, which contains code, initialized data, uninitialized data, resources, imports.
All spare places within PE file was used to place code and/or data. Some parts of format-data structures was trimmed to have smaller size. At that place I put code and/or data, too.
Some *not spare* parts of structures was used at "non-puritan's" style, they just obsolette, or have no meaning. Some parts have meaning, but it have some range which is make them illegal, and Windows does not use them. Some parts is documented as used, but actually have not any meaning since Win95.

Each thing of format needed to be explained in details much more. Please, say me what needed in first order.

I guess, all peoples who tried this my prog, already see it under debugger, and understand how it works. If some questions exists, or suggestions for improvements of something - this is welcomed.



Quote from: GregL on October 27, 2010, 05:51:20 PM
Here you go Alex.  Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. Pentium D 940.

I would be interested in how you kept it so small.

Thank you, Greg!




Thanks for the explanation. I have read some discussions on creating small PE files so I am aware of some of the techniques. I only worry about the size or the speed of a program if I have to, which is very rarely. You don't need to go into more detail for my sake, I would find it interesting if you did though. It is impressive the amount of functionality you fit into such a small size and that it still runs under all Windows versions.

Quote from: AlexI guess, all peoples who tried this my prog, already see it under debugger, and understand how it works.

I doubt it.


I wonder why you still post my *old* (even remaked) programs to thread
This allow useful comparisons between the versions,that all.