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"Multitool" Text Conversion Tool.

Started by hutch--, October 24, 2010, 12:37:53 AM

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The attached tool accepts normal ascii/ansi text and will convert it to 3 different DB formats for a MASM initialised data section. It will also accept command line options 1 to 3 to nominate the function required without having to select it from the menu.

It is basically a "reflex" tool designed to start, paste text into, convert, copy then close so it can be started from another program, QE in this instance but it will also open and save files from the normal menu. It has both an embedded manifest file and a version control block so even the shitty end of AV scanners should have no problems with it.

Those who may be eyesight challenged should have no problems with the 64 pixel toolbar.  :P
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Yes, and unusual hints about ToolBar button at titleĀ  :bg




Cute :U

  ; Text is 48 bytes excluding the terminating zero

    db 054h,068h,065h,020h,061h,074h,074h,061h,063h,068h,065h,064h,020h,074h,06Fh,06Fh
    db 06Ch,020h,061h,063h,063h,065h,070h,074h,073h,020h,06Eh,06Fh,072h,06Dh,061h,06Ch
    db 020h,061h,073h,063h,069h,069h,02Fh,061h,06Eh,073h,069h,020h,074h,065h,078h,074h
    db 000h


Good idea to save time declaring variables.
Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)