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Command line execution of Programs doesn't work

Started by sam, October 16, 2010, 08:37:02 AM

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Dear All,

I'm trying to print messages through command line execution of programs. Sample programs from MASM32 compiles and executes but do not print any message using INT 21h etc. Please help.



INT 21h is 16 bit code. Some code examples of what you are trying to do would get a better response.


Hi sam,

The masm32 static library masm32.lib provides Command Line Procedures. Have a look at :



This snippet works, but:
- assembler command line is ml.exe %1 /nologo /omf   ; /coff won't work with recent versions of ml.exe
- you need link16.exe

.Model small
.Stack 512

MsgText db "Hello 16-bit World", 13, 10, 10
db "Hit any key to quit ...", 13, 10, "$"


_main proc FAR

; set the DS register to DGROUP (will fail with some Masm versions - use ml 6.15 or higher, or JWasm)
mov ax, @DATA
mov ds, ax

; display the message
mov dx, offset MsgText
mov ah, 9
int 21h

; wait for a key
mov ah, 0
int 16h

; the DOS equivalent to ExitProcess
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h

_main endp

end _main