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StdOut, StdIn, ClearScreen, etc.

Started by John, December 24, 2004, 05:45:32 PM

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I see that these (functions?) are used throughout the MACROS.ASM file for the various Macros. They are great and make it easy to write to and retrieve data from the console. Where do they come from though? Is it from MASM32.LIB?

I assume StdOut is just something like this:
invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
mov hStdOut, eax
invoke WriteFile,
           ADDR Message,
           LENGTHOF Message,
           ADDR written,

But what about the others, does the code come with MASM32?


Hi John,

Just exactly as you said, those console functions are the members of masm32.lib
The source codes of masm32.lib can be found at C:\masm32\m32lib



They are procedures in the MASM32 library and they are their to make console coding easy and convenient. It is worth understanding how they word and once you do understand them, you can either write your own or use them if they do the job you need.
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Cool. Thanks guys.

Understanding them is precisely what I was looking to do  :U