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Dll Adresses from menu

Started by 5k3l3t0r, August 30, 2010, 05:48:41 PM

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Hi all...

i'm developing a small test app in ASM with dll plugins, and my big problem come :(

my dll's have just 2 functions, one return a string that i use to create popupmenu, and the other is the "main function" to be called wen necessary from popupmenu.

wen i click in a popupmenu how can i know fromĀ  what dll i must call the function?

so i have:

menu1 - created from dll 1
menu2 - created from dll 2
menu3 - created from dll 3

how can i make a connection betwen the menu and the pointer to function, so wen i click in menu3 it call "mainfunction" from dll 3?

i hope someone could understand the problem, and give some ideas, or a complete new way to do this kind of implementation...

sorry about my english.



you can associate an self-defined value (MENUITEMINFO.dwItemData) with each menu item using Get/SetMenuItemInfo().
This value could be an pointer to the corresponding function (or structure).
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Tkx very much...
I will try wright now :) , any question i come here again...

bye, and tkx again for your time..
