How do I read out certain fields of the Request Header

Started by Earnie, July 28, 2010, 10:00:13 AM

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oh - my mistake
i read the doc's that are included - he stated they may only work with older hardware
it may be that the documentation is farther behind than the code - a common occurance



   Well there is always graphics programming for the video
card.  Mode 12H and 13H are standard VGA modes that
can be programmed directly.  VESA modes supply more
colors and higher resolution.  And you can start out using
BIOS functions for an easy start.  State machines and
fractals look good.


Steve N.


Quote from: FORTRANS on August 03, 2010, 08:11:47 PM
State machines and fractals look good.

Can you explain that further? I really don't know what that means.



   Well fractals like the Mandelbrot and Julia sets make
pretty pictures and are easy (give or take) to program.
Look for a DOS program called FRACTINT for an example.

   State machines use rules to change the screen from
one generation to the next.  the best known is Conway's
"Game of Life".  I have played with a simpler state machine
"just to see what happens".  It makes pretty, changing
patterns.  It was designed for 8088/80186 machines and
runs too fast on anything remotely current.  I could slow
it down if you need an example other than Life.





   Here are two versions of a state machine program.
A guy programmed his Tandy color computer and I
then programmed it for my 8088 Zenith.  I updated
it to CGA graphics for my palmtop computer.  One
program here is an old one for VGA mode 11H.  I
tidied up the current CGA mode 6 version as well and
added a delay for current computers.

   There are 16 starting patterns you select by a letter
on the command line.  Full screen of course.


Steve N.