How to create a Console window that is 80x25 characters in size?

Started by pcMike, June 28, 2010, 07:05:07 AM

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I have success by specifiying 80 and 25 in both dwNSize and dwNCountChars, and by using STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS but *NOT* STARTF_USESIZE.

Nevermind, i just can't count
Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government


that's why i was suggesting a shortcut to cmd.exe
with a shortcut, you can easily specify the font/pitch, number of columns, and number of lines (as well as colors   :bg )
it will work on any OS (older OS's - it may not be named cmd.exe, but it will still work)
also - you shouldn't have any "permissions" issues opening a console window
if you do, the shortcut can be customized to "run as administrator"

i am not sure how to execute the target of a shortcut, but i am sure it isn't hard
you could store it in the program folder as a .DAT file, then rename it to .LNK when needed
that will keep it from being recognized and tampered with
it won't take up a lot of space, either - lol


dedndave: I can't use a shortcut as I need to create the process using InheritHandles=True in order to pass it a live socket.

I tried using the AttachConsole function to get the console's standard output handle, thinking I could use that to adjust it's size using SetConsoleWindowInfo, but this didn't do anything at all to the size.


include C:\masm32\include\
small_rect      SMALL_RECT <>

hStdOut  dd 0
Console_X_size dd 80
Console_Y_size dd 50

main proc

    invoke memfill,ADDR sui,SIZEOF sui,0 ; Fill STARTUPINFO
    mov sui.cb,SIZEOF sui    
    mov sui.dwFlags, STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS

    mov eax, Console_X_size
    mov sui.dwXCountChars,eax
    mov eax, Console_Y_size
    mov sui.dwYCountChars,eax

    fn CreateProcess,0,"cmd.exe",0,0,0,CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE,0,0,ADDR sui,ADDR pi

    invoke Sleep,2000

    invoke AttachConsole, pi.dwProcessId
    invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    mov hStdOut, eax
    mov small_rect.Left,0
    mov small_rect.Top,0
    mov eax,Console_X_size
    dec eax
    mov small_rect.Right,ax
    mov eax,Console_Y_size
    dec eax
    mov small_rect.Bottom,ax
    invoke SetConsoleWindowInfo,hStdOut,TRUE,ADDR small_rect
    .if EAX == 0
      print "SetConsoleWindowInfo has failed"

main endp
end main

Edit: I see now that the SetConsoleWindowInfo proc fails.

Regards,  Mike


Mind is like a parachute. You know what to do in order to use it :-)


An alternative route is to tweak the registry programmatically or with a *.reg file. Here is what I use to get a very wide screen with almost no margins, ideal for testbeds with a lot of output:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"FaceName"="Lucida Console"

You need to know the console window title in advance, though. The understrokes are Windows' way to circumvent backslashes.


oh - little off topic, but i thought they used double-backslashes in registry paths


Quote from: dedndave on June 28, 2010, 11:33:30 PM
oh - little off topic, but i thought they used double-backslashes in registry paths

In the *.reg files and the registry itself the understroke is being used for console window names. I haven't tested what you need when you write to the registry programmatically.


the double backslash is only used when using a slash in a string literal. it is simply used to escape the regular backslash + the next character sort of like an escape from the regular escape sequences.

for example :

the /n would by default be converted to a 'newline'. so we put hello//next//lala

all paths in windows are a single slash, not double slash. that is not to say there is nothing that uses double ( which means quadruple ) backslash though. for example createnamedpipe :