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Regarding CodeView tool

Started by sandeepm, April 15, 2010, 03:19:29 AM

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I recently installed MASM 32 on my windows 7 machine.

I wanted to make use of codeview tool to debug my assembly programs.

I did not find the CodeView tool installed under --> C:\masm32\bin

I have used windbg earlier to do debug assembly code. Howvere windb is a protected mode debugger and not a real mode.

Could someone please tell me , why CodeView was not installed as part of the MASM32 install?


CodeView is more of a DOS era tool shipped with MASM 5.x (and prior assemblers/compilers from Microsoft), there was a CodeView for Windows 3.xx. Most people I know used WinDbg or SoftICE for later versions of Windows, or Dr Watson for app level stuff. For purely app stuff the debugger in Visual Studio is also workable. The chances of using any version of CodeView in Win7 is pretty slim. If you have to use CodeView perhaps a virtual machine would be worth a try.

For DOS applications DEBUG or SYMDEB should still be somewhat workable.

Most people around here use OllyDbg

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


I appreciate your help on giving me the Right directions. I have learned most of my assembly programming from Randal Hyde's books. But I realized that I was reading a 16 bit version book.

I will continue to use Windbg and Visual studio,

I will also try exploring OllyDbg.



Clive's advice on Dr Watson is also useful as its a post mortem debugger that tells you where something went bang. You need to set itup to display the assembler listing but it tells you both where the fault occurred and usually why it occurred.
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