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Segment Arithmetic problem!!!!

Started by EnFeR RoI, January 19, 2010, 03:51:39 PM

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Segment Arithmetic Problem:->

Here is how the
processor combines a 16-bit segment and a 16-bit offset to form a 20-bit linear
address. In effect, the segment selects a 64K region of memory, and the offset
selects the byte within that region. Here's how it works:

1. The processor shifts the segment address to the left by four binary places,
producing a 20-bit address ending in four zeros. This operation has the effect
of multiplying the segment address by 16.

The processor shifts the segment address to left by four binary places,producing a 20-bit address ending in four zeros.

My question is that how a 16 bit address is converted to a 20 bit address and thus shifting results to (1) or (2)??

I have taken an example, that suppose our segment address is 5 in 16 bit binary it is 0000000000000101,and when we shift it four places
to left (5<<4),it becomes (1)00000000000001010000 this or (2)0000000001010000 this??.

According to my shifting (2) result will be there but if I am wrong then please
correct me.
I have shifted like this :->
1:-> 0000000000001010
2:-> 0000000000010100
3:-> 0000000000101000
4:-> 0000000001010000

QuoteNow I am not getting that how this becomes a 20 bit address??
Does the processor itself adds additional 4 bits to the address,in my case like this 00000000000001010000,before shifting the address??

How r u dedndave? :bg

Thanks in advance.
EnFeR RoI.


I moved this because the 20-bit address generation mechanism is for real mode only.

The segment address selects a region that can be up to 64KB. To create a 20-bit absolute address the processor effectively shifts the 16-bit segment address left by 4 bits, stores it in a 20-bit result, and then adds in the 16-bit offset address. To use a real example, the BIOS data area is stored at segment address 40h, and within that area the number of timer ticks since midnight is stored at offset 6Ch.

0000 0000 0100 0000 = 40h
0000 0000 0110 1100 = 6Ch

0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 = 400h
0000 0000 0000 0110 1100 =  6Ch
0000 0000 0100 0110 1100 = 46Ch

eschew obfuscation


in truth, the processor probably doesn't shift anything
it is simply wired so that segment address lines are treated with 20 bits, the lower 4 always being 0
the reason i make that distinction is that shifting would require clock cycles    :P
a picture is worth 1024 words....


Thanks for the reply!!!

Thanks in advance.
EnFeR RoI. :bg


Quote from: MichaelW on January 19, 2010, 05:08:36 PM
I moved this because the 20-bit address generation mechanism is for real mode only.

The segment address selects a region that can be up to 64KB. To create a 20-bit absolute address the processor effectively shifts the 16-bit segment address left by 4 bits, stores it in a 20-bit result, and then adds in the 16-bit offset address. To use a real example, the BIOS data area is stored at segment address 40h, and within that area the number of timer ticks since midnight is stored at offset 6Ch.

0000 0000 0100 0000 = 40h
0000 0000 0110 1100 = 6Ch

0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 = 400h
0000 0000 0000 0110 1100 =  6Ch
0000 0000 0100 0110 1100 = 46Ch

Thanks sir for the reply, now i understand the concept....

Thanks in advance.
EnFeR RoI.


To create a 20-bit absolute address the processor effectively shifts the 16-bit segment address left by 4 bits, stores it in a 20-bit result

My question is that how the address is shifted??,as I have given the example in my post (the example of address 5).
Does the processor is predefined to add additional four bits like this:->00000000000001010000 (at the end of the 16 bit number after shifting it to four places left)?

Or simple shifts the number like this:->0000000001010000 (and then puts additional four zeros in the beginning to make it a 20 bit number like this 00000000000001010000 ).

Thanks in advance.
EnFeR RoI.


put 4 zero bits at the end (low order end) of the segment value
put 4 zero bits ar the beginning (high order end) of the offset value
then, add the two values together

16-bit code can address 1 Mb of address space - this requires 20 bits
at any given time however, you can only address 64 Kb of address space with 16-bit values
the segment value defines the base of the 64 Kb segment as a "window" into the 1 Mb of memory

a good example of this is the video buffer
for most text modes, the buffer is at B8000h (20 bits) in the 1 Mb address space
a good way to access the video buffer is to put a segment value of B800h (16 bits) into the ES register
then, an address of ES:0000 is the base of the video buffer
without changing the ES segment register, you can address 64 Kb of address space, starting at B8000h

on a simplified x86 model, you have 4 segment registers
CS code segment
DS data segment
ES extra segment
SS stack segment
the 4 segment registers may address different 64 Kb areas of the 1 Mb address space


QuoteMy question is that how the address is shifted??

If I understand your question, the answer would require detail knowledge of the inner workings of the processor, knowledge that only the designers of the processor would be likely to have. This is why my description included the word "effectively", meaning that the end result is the same as if the processor had stored the segment address in a 20-bit register, shifted it left by 4 bits, and then added the offset address. I think the actual process is likely to be closer to what Dave described.
eschew obfuscation


To create a 20-bit absolute address the processor effectively shifts the 16-bit segment address left by 4 bits, stores it in a 20-bit result

My question is that how the address is shifted??,as I have given the example in my post (the example of address 5).
Does the processor is predefined to add additional four bits like this:->00000000000001010000 (at the end of the 16 bit number after shifting it to four places left)?

Or simple shifts the number like this:->0000000001010000 (and then puts additional four zeros in the beginning to make it a 20 bit number like this 00000000000001010000 ).

Thanks in advance.
EnFeR RoI :'(


I guess it depends on the size of the register/memory area you are storing it in.... if you are shfting a 16 bit register you will still have a 16 bit register not a 20 bit register
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking



   In the original 8086/88 processors, I think it was hard-
wired as in the picture dedndave posted.  The bits in the
offset are taken from memory or a register and latched,
then the segment bits are added with those and placed
on the address lines with no "internal register" being
used.  So the four "extra bits" needed for each don't
really exist per say.  The "shift" of the segment is done
with the Bus Interface Unit's hardware.

   In newer processors, you have some indirection for
memory management in protected modes, so some
internal register should exist.  However, as a user, you
have no access to it other than feeding it an offset
and segment in real or virtual 86 modes.


O    S    A
F    E    D
F    G    D
S    M    R
E    E    E
T    N    S
      T    S

0 - - - - -> AD0
1 - - - - -> AD1
2 - - - - -> AD2
3 - - - - -> AD3
4 +  0 - - > AD4
5 +  1 - - > AD5
6 +  2 - - > AD6
7 +  3 - - > AD7
13 +  9 - - > AD13
14 + 10 - - > AD14
15 + 11 - - > AD15
     12 - - > A16
     13 - - > A17
     14 - - > A18
     15 - - > A19


Steve N.


Hello everyone, I am not getting you man,can you please explain in the form of my example as I took the address 5 as the segment address.
Now with the help of this example can you tell me what really happens..

Segment address=5;
Offset=take your own;

Now Segment:Offset=Linear address?

Now can you tell that what will be the linear address.
I think I was a bit rude  ::) But never mind.

Thanks in advance.
EnFeR RoI.


Now its your post

The segment address selects a region that can be up to 64KB. To create a 20-bit absolute address the processor effectively shifts the 16-bit segment address left by 4 bits, stores it in a 20-bit result, and then adds in the 16-bit offset address. To use a real example, the BIOS data area is stored at segment address 40h, and within that area the number of timer ticks since midnight is stored at offset 6Ch.
0000 0000 0100 0000 = 40h
0000 0000 0110 1100 = 6Ch

0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 = 400h
0000 0000 0000 0110 1100 = 6Ch
0000 0000 0100 0110 1100 = 46Ch

And why it is not like this 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 - 40h(additional 0's in last.)
0000 0000 0110 1100 0000 - 6C0h(additional 0's in last)
0000 0000 1010 1100 0000-AC0

And this 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000- 40h (additional 0's in begn.)
0000 0000 0000 0110 1100- 6Ch(additional 0's in begn.)
0000 0000 0000 1010 1100-ACh

Can you please explain that how it is recognized that when to add the additional zeros in beginning and in the end.

And please also tell that IS 6Ch=108 in decimal or not?("h" is for hexa-decimal I think).

If not then what C stands for?In context to this example.

Thanks in advance.
EnFeR RoI.


Take your 16 bit segment address, add a '0' to the end (makes it 20 bit) then add the offset
segment=5 -> linear=50h
segment=40h -> linear=400h
segment=0a000h -> linear = 0a0000h
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


i think Michael had a good example, so let's stay with that one
what may be confusing you is all the shifting and adding 0's
let's try it without all that.....

0000 0000 0100 0000       = 40h segment
0000 0000 0110 1100       = 6Ch offset

0000 0000 0100 0000       = 40h segment
     0000 0000 0110 1100  = 6Ch offset
0000 0000 0100 0110 1100  = 46Ch linear address