[POOL] Enhancing project panel

Started by TNick, December 05, 2009, 02:24:43 PM

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Hello everyone. Hope you're all doing well.

I would like to ask RadASM users to vote for following enhancements in Project Panel:

  • grouping files in "folders"
    on large projects, I always find myself frustrated because of the linear organisation of the work. Is there any of you in same situation?
    Just to make it cristal, I am talking about adding a menu item in "Add new " - something like "Folder" or "Group" 

  • new/existing files
    should be added in selected "folder" or, if current selection is not a folder but a file, added to father item of selected item.

Best regards,


27 views already and no vote... This makes me wondering if I'm asking the right questions...



You can add a new group from the Project->Project Groups menu option, or right click
in the project panel and select project groups.
God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO


Hello, rags! Thank you for your response!

Quote from: rags on December 06, 2009, 01:12:17 PM
You can add a new group from the Project->Project Groups menu option, or right click in the project panel and select project groups.

Yes, indeed. But, when you are looking at 50 files in a project and you expect this number to reach 100 by the end of the project, you may find yourself wondering why RadASM does not let us add second - third - ... level "folders".

And, since we're here... I see that - if one adds a file - all groups are expanded. I would like to add this to the pool, too:
- while adding existing / new items, all groups except the group where the file is added should be left in previous (unchanged)  state.



yes TNick sublevel folders would be nice addon.
I would vote for that.
God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO


Hi all

Sub groups are supported, no need to vote for that.
In next release I will try to keep the expanded / collapsed state when adding new files.



Hello! Thank you for reply, Ketil!

I have downloaded RadASM again. It does:
- have subgroups (my mistake here, I guess; sorry for that)
- files are added in selected group
- expanded / collapsed state is preserved

Well... what can I say... we have a happy user right here.  :U


PS. It wouldn't be me if I would be completely happy.  ::)
How about "Add group" in "Add new" menu?
Perfectly livable without, I admit...


One option I think would be fine would be an Edit Macro option, so you wouldn't have to
delete a macro and re-record it if you make a mistake recording it.
God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO


Well, I must admit I don't use the macro feature, mostly because I got angry when it didn't recorded the change from upper case to lower case via menu. (use keyboard shortcuts ever since).
Editing the macro would be nice - I do vote for that. Adding some sort of scripting ... that may be haven :)
