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help me to understand something Please

Started by shankle, September 28, 2009, 12:26:47 PM

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I guess I'm getting demented in my old age but I can't understand why a Company like Microsoft can't write an Operating System that is
impervious to Cookies, Viruses, hidden stuff that a  2 way firewall picks up, that needs to defrag and all the other crap that it accumulates etc, etc, etc.
I have to run Ccleaner, Eset SS and defrag my Puter constantly to keep it from being invaded by the baddies and slowing down.
True I like some of the features in Vista etc. and Linux also has its problems. I understand no operating system is perfect BUT you Never have to worry about accumulating cookies, viruses or have to defrag in Linux. I've been working with both systems now for about a year and it is
very obvious to me how much nonsense goes on in Windows. I find it very annoying.

I wrote a piece on the Windows Vista forum and was told in so many words to shut up. They don't want to hear about Windows shortcomings.
Nothing like a blind eye to perpetuate this crap. Windows 7 ,8, 9, 10 etc. will be no different.

Microsoft certainly has a lot of our money from $200 operating software and a ton of wonderful "C" programmers so why can't they do
something positive about their software????
Why am I the only one complaining about this problem? I believe in the squeaky wheel theory.
I guess when you become a monopoly as powerful as Microsoft you gain "GOD" status. HP used to be that way but they seem to have seen the light.

Hutch, if this offends some of our people please delete.

The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


you won't offend anyone in here - no worries

ms is all about money - not writing good OS's

QuoteI wrote a piece on the Windows Vista forum and was told in so many words to shut up.

you must have picked a forum where a few ms programmers hang out and are highly revered - lol

even ms employees probably aren't all that offended
they just have to act offended if they want to keep their jobs


hey a mans got to eat, atleast Microsoft is real about it, unlike garbage companies such as mozilla, who lie to you,and try to make it seem like its not about the money. You know how much mozilla with a staff of 3/4 payed programmers(rest volunteers) makes off firefox yearly because of the countless idiots around the world? over a hundred million dollars. then they have the audacity to cry about Microsoft in court. They're complete hypocrites.

as far as windows goes, its by far the most sophisticated operating system in existance. No other OS has such a indepth backend API, and countless up to date driver support. Microsoft built a platform that allows coder to write anything they want and fully interact with the OS, and hardware available, the fact people abuse that isn't their fault.  Too much security takes away freedom, and flexibility, and not everyone wants the same thing on their windows.


You make some good points E^Cube.
Guess I will have to let this rest.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


The windows versions I've really used are win98 se, winXP and now win7 x64 and I gotta say the improvement over the years is overwhelming. I finally have my perfect OS setup perfectly, it absolutely never crashes and nothing weird ever happens. I don't need any antivirus or anything, I debug/disassemble my stuff before running it, or just run it in Virtualbox (xp) and then revert to the previous snapshot. And I prefer freedom to security   :toothy

Although it would be nice if the registry would clean itself up, like ccleaner and the other reg cleaners do. Except, you know ... by Microsoft itself   :toothy

Also, the continued lack of adoption of Mac and Linux is awesome !   :cheekygreen:


Quote from: shankle on September 28, 2009, 12:26:47 PM
I understand no operating system is perfect BUT you Never have to worry about accumulating cookies, viruses or have to defrag in Linux. I've been working with both systems now for about a year and it is
very obvious to me how much nonsense goes on in Windows. I find it very annoying.

This one of the things I like about Linux.
Who would want to write viruses for it, anyway?  :green

Quote from: shankle on September 28, 2009, 12:26:47 PMWindows 7 ,8, 9, 10 etc. will be no different.

Windows 7 is "Vista done right"
It's a good improvement over Vista
So, it's pretty different.

Quote from: shankle on September 28, 2009, 12:26:47 PM
I understand no operating system is perfect

That's why I'm using both of them: the most perfect for me...


my os's are perfect for me :-) 98 2k and xp all are customized and tweaked to hell never had a virus (not counting the ones i d/l on purpose) and never had crashes that i didnt cause
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor




If you think Microsoft are bad, try and remember IBM back in the 80s. They lost control of the PC market to Microsoft and wondered why no-one wanted to know about OS2. The only thing wrong with OS2 was you had to suffer IBM with it.

Windows has always had its irritations, to make it fit the average (ab)user they have had to try and make it idiot proof which in turn made it much more complicated for technically savvy users and easier for the virus idiot fringe to attack, the real problem is you cannot program users into an OS.

You have to pay for Windows but then if you want useful successful software, you have to pay programmers to write, debug and test it and a company must run at a profit otherwise it will go bust. On the up side of the cost is Microsoft have for many years made high quality development software available free of charge for people who develop for the Windows platform along with a pile of other stuff for the user end of the market so its not just one way traffic.
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Quote from: hutch-- on September 30, 2009, 02:42:27 AM
The only thing wrong with OS2 was you had to suffer IBM with it.

Could you elaborate a bit more on that?



In days of old IBM were the worst mannered hardest company in the world to deal with, expensive, arrogant, indifferent and so on then the arse fell out of mainframes as the PC market took off and they landed on their arse and have never got up since.
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Cookies: I thought that was an internet thing, not a windows thing
Viruses: We call it the 'tall poppy syndrome' over here - if you're the biggest, everyone wants a piece of you
Defrag: with a 320gig hard drive, I've never had to do it
Registry: blame a lot of that on programs that don't clean up when they're uninstalled (norton/real/adobe/etc)

Quote from: BlackVortex on September 28, 2009, 09:09:43 PM
The windows versions I've really used are win98 se, winXP and now win7 x64 and I gotta say the improvement over the years is overwhelming. I finally have my perfect OS setup perfectly, it absolutely never crashes and nothing weird ever happens. I don't need any antivirus or anything, I debug/disassemble my stuff before running it, or just run it in Virtualbox (xp) and then revert to the previous snapshot. And I prefer freedom to security :toothy

Although it would be nice if the registry would clean itself up, like ccleaner and the other reg cleaners do. Except, you know ... by Microsoft itself   :toothy

Also, the continued lack of adoption of Mac and Linux is awesome !   :cheekygreen:
Quoted your entire post because I agree 100% with everything there.
(although I have just installed "Microsoft Security Essentials" to test it out. First anti-virus I've used for about 4 years...)
My clients will no doubt ask me how it is - I usually install AVG for them is microsoft...

Over here, the commonwealth bank ran os/2 for 6 or seven years in the 80s/90s and I'm pretty sure the ATM's here used os/2.
I seriously considered it (win3.1 vs os/2 3) but there were no apps for it once microsoft ditched it.
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


I remember the IBM days.
Mainframes with 64k of memory.
The mainframe assembler was however a good assembler IMHO.
COBOL made me want to vomit.
IBMs philosophy was if you couldn't figure out what was in the manual then you shouldn't be programming.
Not at all user friendly. In fact rather hostile.
At least I didn't have to take any sleeping pills then, as all I had to do was pick up an IBM manual and it put me right to sleep.
Those were the days.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress

2-Bit Chip

Quote from: E^cube on September 28, 2009, 02:09:33 PM
as far as windows goes, its by far the most sophisticated operating system in existance. No other OS has such a indepth backend API, and countless up to date driver support. Microsoft built a platform that allows coder to write anything they want and fully interact with the OS, and hardware available, the fact people abuse that isn't their fault.  Too much security takes away freedom, and flexibility, and not everyone wants the same thing on their windows.

Took the words right out off my mouth. :thumbu