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noob comments

Started by summer, August 14, 2009, 10:39:19 PM

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Just downloaded RadAsm 2.2.17

For an app as good as this looks, :clap: it was sure a bit of a pain to get it all setup  :tdown
mainly because the instructions I found were stashed away in the very files I needed to download.
Perhaps I missed something?

A couple of 'nits'

The about box ought to point to the new website  :bg

For an app with Asm in its name, I was surprised that it came without direct asm support for any assembler  :(

RadAsm looks for the Masm32 help file Masm32.hlp but all I see in the Masm32 help directory are *.chm files  :'(

Other than that this looks like something I'll be using off and on from here on in.



Thanks summer

I will try to make it better.



Hi guys

Like Summer (above) I too have just installed RadAsm after being away for sometime. Let me say straight off the bat that it is an excellent bit of kit.

Now the reason why I'm posting is because I too found it strange the lack of intergration with MASM32. Hutch has produced another fantastic version (10r) which now has its help files in the .chm format. The RadAsm ide can be configured to see these files by either editing the radasm.ini directly like this:

1=&Win32 Api,0,H,$H\Win32.hlp
2=&X86 Op Codes,0,H,$H\opcodes.chm


or using the \Option\Help Menu config dialog.

However if the RadHelp addin is still active you will get message boxes saying the help file is not found, do you want to look for it.
At this point you can go back to hand editing the radasm.ini in the section [RadHelp] but unfortunately although the correct help files are invoked they are not opened the highlighted section but rather the contents page.

Secondly if you disable RadHelp the main ide editor window will process the calls for F1, Ctrl-F1 and Shift-F1 but will fail with the error "such and such is not a Windows Help File or is corrupted" and sometimes crash sometimes resume. That to me seems to indicate the code that accepts the calls from the editor window and then invokes the help file is different to the code in the ide itself, which displays either help format happily.

Now that doesn't make the program unusable but it does make newbies trying to learn code a tad more interesting.

Hope this helps. You're probably not that focussed on the frilly edges of the program but if you could make a note that would be great.

Fantastic work by the way Ketil.
Oh I just noticed the "about box" does now point to a current web address. Hope Summer notices.

Sitting in awe



If you know the sheer volume of work to keep up with OS changes you will understand why there is a bit of lag from time to time. Ketil has made RadAsm configurable to a number of development environments which just makes more work again. If you have the time you could help out by doing what you have done here, publish ways of setting up RadAsm with the current version of MASM32 so that people who want to use an IDE of this type can take advantage of it.
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Hi Hutch

Believe me I have no illusions about the workload of KetilO, or yourself for that matter!

So I'm gonna see if I can help. Downloading the source now.
As I'm new to this collaborating thingĀ  :bg. What exactly is the procedure for submitting bugfixes? Should I just email KetilO if I think I've nailed it?




I don't know how Ketil is situated these days in terms of workload, life, time etc .... but for starters I would be inclined to post anything that you see as useful in this IDE subforum so that Ketil will see it if he has time.
Download site for MASM32      New MASM Forum


Right. Ill do that then.

Sorry if my comment got you a little offside. I have nothing but admiration for all coders that offer such fantastic work so everyone can benefit, especially the likes of yourself and KetilO. And no I'm not sucking up! Just telling it like it is.



The easy way is to get the full package.
Go to : and click RadASM complete package.
