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hlalib.a file not being found

Started by latte, August 12, 2009, 07:50:47 AM

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Hi all - 
  I'm running HLA Version 2.106 (build 21539) on Ubuntu Linux (Jaunty release). I'm very keen to get it working. 
I can bring up the help messages with "hla -?", but when I try to compile the basic "hello world" example, I get the error -
"ERROR! Could not locate the hlalib.a file.
Have you set the 'hlalib' environment variable properly?"
I'm sure that I have.  ( Btw, I always run "source .bashrc" after changing that, and "source .profile" after changing that, so that doesn't seem to be the problem. 

I followed the instructions, and I've tried adding the hla directory to my path (as in the instructions). I've also tried putting the library path in my profile (again, as in the instructions), like this - 
export hlalib
export hlainc

That didn't work either.  Finally, I did some searching and found what someone else said worked for them. This command - 
hla -lib:/home/andy/hla/usr/hla/hlalib/hlalib.a

I put that in my .bashrc.  Again, no luck.
I think it might be possible to use a symlink to force the system to look at exactly where hlalib.a is (*I* know where it is - I can see it....).  So - is anyone able to help me get around this problem, with hlalib.a not being found? 
Very many thanks in advance!   Bye for now -
- latte 


Hi Latte -

I suspect that it might be a simple issue that Randy forgot to update the instructions.  HLA now comes with two libraries (one thread-safe, the other not), so it now expects the environment variable to point to the directory of those libraries rather than to the name of the library.

So, instead of:

export hlalib probably want:

export hlalib

Hope that helps!


Quote from: Evenbit on August 12, 2009, 03:23:35 PM
Hi Latte -

I suspect that it might be a simple issue that Randy forgot to update the instructions.  HLA now comes with two libraries (one thread-safe, the other not), so it now expects the environment variable to point to the directory of those libraries rather than to the name of the library.

So, instead of:

export hlalib probably want:

export hlalib

Hope that helps!

Great!  Thanks very much for that, Evenbit!  Very much appreciated! 
I'm at work at the moment, so I'll try this as soon as I get home. 
( Update ) 
Success!  You were right, Evenbit - I amended the library specification as you
said, and it worked perfectly!  Many thanks.....  :) 
- latte