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out-sourceing the US presidency

Started by shankle, July 23, 2009, 01:17:38 AM

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This was a joke I read today.
I almost had a heart attack over the irony of it.

One thing, it certainly couldn't be any worse than what we've got.
It also talked about how we would save money by doing that.
And the guy could continue working for Dell evenings.
Print him up a few sheets of stock answers and he could read away.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress



You may get more than you bargained for, he may end up working part time for IBM China. Now on the upside, if he did not work in their interest they may do to him what they did to Stern Hu, a CRA exec they have arrested for spying because the Chinese iron industry missed out on a deal over Australian iron ore.  :P
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This has got me thinking - which i guess is bad.

They could outsource the entire congress. Look what the American people would save.
The premier health insurance plan, which only the elite enjoy.
The huge salaries of the Congress.
The replacement would not have to worry about getting reelected and could devote their full time to what they are supposed to do.
No more huge airplanes to deliver congress people to California. They could take the bus or just do business from
some foreign country.
I have no ideas how the lobbyists would survive. The poor dears.
This could probably go on forever by ones more versed in the bad things going on in my Congress.
Alas, I only expect the worst anymore. :(

The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


Well, in a way we already outsource the presidency as is not the people of the USA, but a few elite who decides who will be elected. Since lying to the people is not against the law and the majority of people are sheep. This crooks have nothing to fear.

One example is how Obamma wants to give more powers to the "Federal" Reserve, without any real accountability. Also why is he sending more troops to Iraq?

This president has being bought and paid for, just as the ones before them.


My sentiments exactly.
But we should not expect anything else.
I don't blame the people to much as their main source of information is the biased press and tv.
Hopefully the internet will change that, but will the US be here long enough for that to happen?
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


There is yet another take on outsourced government, it is already outsourced to massive capital and the people you see who look like polititians are simply YES men for the big bucks. The problem is not that they have sold their arse, you already know that, its that they are trying to sell yours as well that is the problem and worse, on the cheap so they get a commission on the proceeds.

Humility comes for such people with a good tar and feathering and if they don't survive the technique, who cares ?  :bg

Now RE: The FED, if the Ron Paul bill gets enouh support to properly knacker the FED, watch the sh*t hit the fan with big banking interests doing anything they can to destroy the US, in the footsteps of Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosavelt, FDR in 1933, JFK and Ronny Raygun, watch the dirty work they will try to regain control, especially after the serious PHUKING they performed in the US economy in late 2008.
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Hi Hutch,
What you said does not make me feel any better.
I really hate to see my country go down the drain.
But we all know from history that all countries have a life span at the top of about
200 to 300 years then they fade away.

The greatest crime in my country is our Congress




Never write off "good old Yankee knowhow", there is always another "Boston Tea Party" to have and a ple of parasites that need a good PHUKING on the way out, tar and feathers sound good here. Put the boot into the FED's arse, take back control us the US money supply, tell old Europe's bankers to [censured] and rebuild America the great.
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the only thing that might work would be to get some of the military leaders to do it from the inside
make them think they'll be in charge when the dust settles - lol
the us govt is pretty well burrowed in - hard to undo them from the outside
of course, i suppose China might have a chance


Quote from: hutch--Never write off "good old Yankee knowhow", there is always another "Boston Tea Party" to have and a ple of parasites that need a good PHUKING on the way out, tar and feathers sound good here. Put the boot into the FED's arse, take back control us the US money supply, tell old Europe's bankers to [censured] and rebuild America the great.

I wonder if the American people of today have the guts to do anything like that, you see very few protests anymore, and when you do see them, they are pretty small in numbers.

[edit] I'm sure that if the situation were serious enough, they would rise to the occasion.

The American people just seem a bit lackadaisical about things lately.


oh - i agree
just don't confuse apathy for disgust - lol
seems like the govt does whatever they want and then they more or less tell us there is nothing we can do about it
and, they're right


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