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DB in .code

Started by AgentSmithers, July 10, 2009, 09:26:55 PM

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                     db 0ffh,0ffh
                     db "MyString",0ffh
                     db "AnotherString",0h ;Marker to know we

I added this code to the of my .code segment
It dosent add it enless I have db 0ffh,0ffh at the start, Why is that?
Is there a better way?



Wish I had a dual monitor setup :(

As you can see, the strings are still I don't really understand what your problem is, you don't need 0ffh,0ffh...
Uness, of course, you are trying to not have NULLs. Which means you are copy/pasting (attempted) shellcode. lol.
However, if you really MUST be copying/pasting shellcode without knowing what you are doing, I'd suggest you seek help from the guy who wrote it ;)

Just so you know, we aren't stupid...dedndave has said it quite a few times...

Quick google search will explain...

PPS: can I have your Call of Duty poster? it'd look better in my room.


Put it after the invoke process... Im sure it will be the same for you.


and why would you put it there ? i'm so sick of your childish and script kiddy like antics now.. just stop this crap man..

on topic :


lol - he wants to know how to modify code
and i ain't tellin - lol
i think he's trying to place a hook


To hutch:
my apologies for the link, I was only using it to validate my claims. Should have said "a quick google search will pull it up", but all the same I
shouldn't have posted it.


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heh, did anyone notice the screenshots here were replaced for a while? Apparently imageshack got hacked by 'anti-sec'.
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.

Mark Jones

This is your brain on "Security" topics:

"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Nah, this is my brain on "Security" topics

Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


Quote from: dedndave on July 11, 2009, 03:47:12 AM
lol - he wants to know how to modify code
and i ain't tellin - lol
i think he's trying to place a hook

I odda post links to all the DLL injection and hooks ive written in C++ so you would shut the hell up about security, I was asking a simple question and had nothing to do with a hook at all I'm sure DB is explained in page 3 of a ASM book and I was asking something that isn't usually covered. your usually helpful but sometimes you just see my name and if you see mean put anything in this forum as close to xor eax,eax you'de probably accuse my of writing shellcode for a buffer overflow, I assure you this is a legit question.

Now back on track

                    call call_back
                     db 0ffh,0ffh
                     db "MyFirstString",0
                     db "Test",0h ;Marker to know we

Not sure but when I do remove db 0ffh It dose not add it =(

Yeah just did it again and looked in olly without db 0ffh,0ffh I dont see it getting added to the binary at all, its confusing.

Ahh Okie now its olly thats overlooking it

After 0ffh twice it shows ascii information but If I dont it take the ASCII information and thinks its opcodes, So instead of seeing my strings I was seeing stuff such as PUSH EBP etc etc... Why does olly look at it as opcodes but when I put to Hex Digets infront it sees them for what they are as ascii char's?


lol - you're suuuuuuch a skiddy
if windows didn't provide copy/paste, you'd be playing tetris
try not to insult our intelligence quite so much - you'll get a lot more help

Mark Jones

Tell me secret agent boy, why should we help you learn to break programs, when some of us are trying to make a living creating them? Isn't that like shooting oneself in the foot? :eek "Here's a loaded gun kid, have fun... no, don't point it at me... BANG"

Or is it "our" problem for assuming there is inherent value in finely crafted code? :'( In that case, I guess Omish furniture should also be "free," along with everything else in life which is created by humans? So... human time is worthless, is that what you're saying? Why then, should I bother with this reply?

That's it... I quit coding. It is no longer worth it. One less app for you to break I guess.

Tell ya what. When you get your dream job and are working hard to pay for your children's education, I'm gonna come out there and offer your boss that I do your job for free. Once you're out of work and starving, I'll gloat in a public forum about how this kind of "security" should be tolerated and how I have done nothing wrong.
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


why doesn't someone just ban this damn skiddy

AgentSmithers : disintx already busted your ass earlier with a link from where you ripped ( again ) your 'code'

do you think bragging about dll injection and writing a hook is impressive ? it's kids play, some simple API calls. i did that crap when i was like 13

you 'assure' us you are asking a 'legit question' yet time and time again you have been shown to be lying or just called out on your crap. unlike on the 'hacking' forums you no doubt frequent, people here are actually intelligent and can see straight through your half-assed attempts at deceit

from now unless i deem any questions from you legitimate, i will not be replying to any more of your threads. i'm sure that goes the same for many of the others that have helped you time and time again