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DB in .code

Started by AgentSmithers, July 10, 2009, 09:26:55 PM

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Quote from: dedndave on July 13, 2009, 08:00:00 PM
lol - you're suuuuuuch a skiddy
if windows didn't provide copy/paste, you'd be playing tetris
try not to insult our intelligence quite so much - you'll get a lot more help

Im not insulting your intelligence im well aware of you being more skill then I at asm but Ive tryed making a point in severval threads showing my intrested in how a processor actual works and you discourage me every change you get making up reasons anyway possible to show miscellaneous attempts coming from me which arnt even remotely Correct/True, I want you to see that. Im asking a honest question and trying to be a member of this forum.


Quote...and you discourage me every change you get making up reasons anyway possible to show miscellaneous attempts coming from me which arnt even remotely Correct/True...
i have helped you several times - with things having to do with how to write assembly language code
i am sure you can understand why we are suspicious - lol
you brought that on yourself
if it looks like you are trying to do something out of the norm (which is most of the time), we are likely to question it
we have reason for doing that - and you gave us that reason
so - don't try to turn the table on me and make me look like the bad guy - again, insulting our intelligence
if you do not like the way you are treated, remember, you are to blame for that


Quote from: dedndave on July 13, 2009, 08:56:15 PM
Quote...and you discourage me every change you get making up reasons anyway possible to show miscellaneous attempts coming from me which arnt even remotely Correct/True...
i have helped you several times - with things having to do with how to write assembly language code
i am sure you can understand why we are suspicious - lol
you brought that on yourself
if it looks like you are trying to do something out of the norm (which is most of the time), we are likely to question it
we have reason for doing that - and you gave us that reason
so - don't try to turn the table on me and make me look like the bad guy - again, insulting our intelligence
if you do not like the way you are treated, remember, you are to blame for that

You consider using DB in .code block to be out of the ordinary, I'm not trying to make you look like a bad guy and im sure this question has been asked before.


Quote from: Slugsnack on July 13, 2009, 08:40:31 PM
why doesn't someone just ban this damn skiddy

AgentSmithers : disintx already busted your ass earlier with a link from where you ripped ( again ) your 'code'

do you think bragging about dll injection and writing a hook is impressive ? it's kids play, some simple API calls. i did that crap when i was like 13

you 'assure' us you are asking a 'legit question' yet time and time again you have been shown to be lying or just called out on your crap. unlike on the 'hacking' forums you no doubt frequent, people here are actually intelligent and can see straight through your half-assed attempts at deceit

from now unless i deem any questions from you legitimate, i will not be replying to any more of your threads. i'm sure that goes the same for many of the others that have helped you time and time again

I have no idea wtf your talking about disintx finding a link, Post it please?

And this was a legit question, I was wondering why my ASCII was missing. I found out it wasn't, My string started with a 'U' which was a Legit OPCode so olly thought it was all code and 0FFH was not a Legit Opcode so everything it saw after that appeared as plane ascii, This thread was totaled hosed down horribly for nothing. it was a simple Legit question.


Google search ",0h ;Marker to know we
The link was removed because that's not stuff the forum wants to be associated with.

Why don't you try to explain to us what possible legitimate applications you could have in doing this?
Moreover, why, when we search, does it point to something illegitimate?

As dedndave said (along these lines)
QuoteHe is asking how to build C, A, & T and not expecting us to read it as "CAT"

I am all for asking questions and learning but don't expect anyone to be hunky dory when most people are vehemently against what you are trying to do. You are simply insulting everyone here by trying to pretend this is not out of the ordinary.

Nick, please stop this crap. If you knew what you "say you know" (link goes to his website), then why would you be asking about this stuff? :)


Cause the question's I ask are legit 100% you guys just assume otherwise. Period.


Explain how it's legit. If it truly is legit, I'm sure most of us will apologize.


i think this subject has been covered
stick a fork in it, or .....