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smtp source code,RFC 1225++ etc. cpp TO asm!

Started by marco1974, March 25, 2005, 06:50:31 PM

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Hello everybody,

here are my sources for the SMTP project.
I am having a lot of trouble porting it from c/c++ to masm.
maybe some hints?

Internet is text based i believe after reading rfc 1225 and others.
They give me a real indept knowledge.

anyway look at the source, the asm part is not working fully.
In fact i need a little help i think.

Porting from c to asm is hard for me.
I am happy with the NOP statements, i used them to mark code and function sections in the
cPP file so it is much easy`r to read after the c++ compiler spits out the asm file.

c/c++ and asm source included.
I hope that this is portable to assembler. (need some advice)
Thats what i am working at now.

Any advice is welkome.

[attachment deleted by admin]

James Ladd

First thing I would do is make a simple prog that can connect to a smtp server using sockets.
Once you can connect the rest is about what to send and receive over the connection.
Some code here might help you:
There are other tutorials and examples in asm for using sockets. Id start with some of these
rather than translate C/C++.
Let me know how you go.


You are right,

But the reasson for (compiler example) for compiling with assembly code:
-bcc32 /c /B smtpc.pp  (/B) gives smtp.asm.

is that i had written some code that AUTOMATICLY Fills in the STANDARD
This code is more a sort of project to LEARN about ALL the INTERNET protocols.

I downloaded the PDF and TXT versions of ALL RFC (requist for comments) 70 and 80 MB.
So i can UNDERSTAND how things work.

at or something like that u can download all the rfc`s in pdf and txt format.
I am so glad the rfc editors did  such a good job.

I also DELETED all the smtp code from BEAGLE. Its dangerous code and i already have coded a partial working version of a SMTP mailer in asm.

It will be posted here when the bugs are sorted out.

IF someone has any idea to create a SMTP-SERVER (MS DID) so u dont need , let me know!

If u use THIS c code u see what i mean.
struct servent * sp = ::getservbyname("smtp", "tcp");
//if (sp == NULL)
//LogTextToFile("getservbyname error");

m_sockADDR.sin_port = sp->s_port;  //PORT
m_Hostent=gethostbyname(sp->s_name);   //"");   

  m_sockADDR.sin_addr.s_addr=*((unsigned long *) m_Hostent->h_addr);
  i=connect(m_SOCKET,(struct sockaddr *) &m_sockADDR,sizeof(m_sockADDR));

This code ( i am porting it to asm) does not need the Client/User to fill in his mail server!
It finds the smtp service.

Its fun exploring this protocol.

Happy coding,


Robert Collins

I tried to run your sample but have problem with this statement...

m_Hostent=gethostbyname(sp->s_name);   //"");   

...during run time it cancels because of Unhandled Exception: Access Violation.

I have no idea what is problem.   


Ok here is a NEW smtp project in c/c++.

It works for me.
It mails from my desktop --> hotmail mail account.

Its heavy NOP`ED becouse i use bcc32 /c /B source.cpp

See the zip.

Happy coding,


[attachment deleted by admin]

Robert Collins

Quote from: marco1974 on March 28, 2005, 08:26:48 PM
Ok here is a NEW smtp project in c/c++.

It works for me.
It mails from my desktop --> hotmail mail account.

Its heavy NOP`ED becouse i use bcc32 /c /B source.cpp

See the zip.

Happy coding,


Maybe it's because I'm using MS VC++ 6.0 on Windows OS. It compiles OK (after I comment out the asm NOP statements and add wsock32.lib) but it still doesn't run.

During run time below cause Unhandled exception: Access Violation.

m_sockADDR.sin_addr.s_addr=*((unsigned long *) m_Hostent->h_addr);

So, your guess is as good as mine.


I have that problem with Visual c/c++ too in Lots of sources.

When i wrote some FileStore.dat project it crashed due to POINTERS and Casts.

The MS compiler is the worst ever.

Robert Collins

Quote from: marco1974 on March 28, 2005, 09:05:00 PM
I have that problem with Visual c/c++ too in Lots of sources.

When i wrote some FileStore.dat project it crashed due to POINTERS and Casts.

The MS compiler is the worst ever.

I can't argue with you about the MS compiler but I do believe it's got to be the most popular and it's the one that I use and every one else I know and it's the one that is used where I work.


here is some update.

I found some Neat and simple source code for smtp in asm.
There are bugs, But i think they are string related and NOT smtp command related.

See it,
I will TRY to resolve the bugs and let it work.
But i am new to RFC`s stuff Its a interesting learnintg curve!
I am not sure if i can fix the errors.

anyway here is the src.


sorry for the double posts.
My pc is a piece of shit and now the mouse port broke.
can`t use a mouse, and that 6/7 days before my new amd64 arives.
it sucks.

[attachment deleted by admin]


hello everybody,

i fixed some errors in the code and it now works.
I added some space " " in the end of the strings.

looked to my c++ code and found out they did work only if i added a space.
The Projects is not yet complete, i still have not (see code)

;get tcp and smtp service from user
service    db "smtp",0
protocol   db "tcp",0
invoke GetServiceByName,protocol,service
mov eax,s_entry ; struct for holdimg the returnd data see winsock manual.

Now the hard part is to fill in the right structures so we DONT NEED TO FILL IN THE MAIL-SERVER.
Thats verry handy becouse most users dont know how to do this.

Remember the first time u had to configure outlook expres with ?
Well i had trouble with it, and so does the normal user too!

this statement will crash the aplication when bcc -B (compile trough asm.lst)
transelates from c to asm.
I mean when i use that source.asm for my program, the asm program crashes.

m_sockADDR.sin_port = sp->s_port;  //PORT
m_Hostent=gethostbyname(sp->s_name);   //"");   

   call      @gethostbyname
   mov       dword ptr [_m_Hostent],eax
?live16387@112: ; EBX = &s@, ESI = &_aa
   mov       edx,dword ptr [_m_Hostent]
   mov       ecx,dword ptr [edx+12]
   mov       eax,dword ptr [ecx]
   mov       edx,dword ptr [eax]
   mov       dword ptr [_m_sockADDR+4],edx

this if used will crash, does anybody know what would be BEST PRACTICE here?
I am reall curious why this perfect c++ generated will crash.

Bye ,

and ... happy coding!

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: marco1974 on March 29, 2005, 03:36:15 PM

m_sockADDR.sin_port = sp->s_port;  //PORT
m_Hostent=gethostbyname(sp->s_name);   //"");   

   call      @gethostbyname
   mov       dword ptr [_m_Hostent],eax
?live16387@112: ; EBX = &s@, ESI = &_aa
   mov       edx,dword ptr [_m_Hostent]
   mov       ecx,dword ptr [edx+12]
   mov       eax,dword ptr [ecx]
   mov       edx,dword ptr [eax]
   mov       dword ptr [_m_sockADDR+4],edx

this if used will crash, does anybody know what would be BEST PRACTICE here?
I am reall curious why this perfect c++ generated will crash.

I have used the following code many times without it crashing.

    assume esi:ptr sockaddr_in
    ;pHostStr is the address of the hostname string to get the ip address for (eg. "")
    invoke gethostbyname, pHostStr
    .IF (eax)
        mov eax,[eax+12]
        mov eax,[eax]
        mov eax,[eax]   ;eax = ipaddr
        ;ERROR - bad hostname/not found
        ;either complain, or use inet_addr to see if it's an ip address string (eg. "")
    mov [esi].sin_addr,eax

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