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Extract Value from CreateThreads Func proc

Started by AgentSmithers, June 30, 2009, 07:55:11 AM

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mov I, 4
mov  eax,OFFSET ThreadProcOne
invoke CreateThread, 0, NULL, EAX, ADDR i, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, ESI ;Invoke Uses EAX, ECX, EDX

ThreadProcOne PROC Param:DWORD

            local LocalI

            mov eax, Param
            mov LocalI, eax


How do I extract the Actual value 4 into EAX? Cant seem to figure this out...

Mov Byte Ptr is to a Address held in a Register, But what about the other way around?


Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.


The Question is Simple, I sorry i cant see how I can be any more Specific for you, I have another thread and I want to Extract the Value 4 into eax as show being passed in the example in "ThreadProcOne". Right now eax is holding the Address to the value "4"


i don't understand why you persist in using this forum
it really isn't where you want to be
there are probably 100 good reverse engineering/crack forums where you would be welcomed


        mov     eax,4


what about this:

invoke CreateThread, 0, NULL, EAX, 1234567, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, ESI
ThreadProcOne PROC Param:DWORD

            mov eax, Param
            ; eax = 1234567
ThreadProcOne endp
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Quote from: dedndave on July 01, 2009, 12:32:59 AM
i don't understand why you persist in using this forum
it really isn't where you want to be
there are probably 100 good reverse engineering/crack forums where you would be welcomed


        mov     eax,4

How the hell dose this even relate closely to reverse engineering?! It was a simple ASM question.


Quote from: qWord on July 01, 2009, 12:35:25 AM
what about this:

invoke CreateThread, 0, NULL, EAX, 1234567, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, ESI
ThreadProcOne PROC Param:DWORD

            mov eax, Param
            ; eax = 1234567
ThreadProcOne endp

Thanks! Now the issue is with this is that i cant change that during runtime considering it is hardcoded, How would I get that into a variable?


I got it, Thanks Qword, I just need to pass "I" not "ADDR I", But just to learn if I passed "ADDR I" how would I extract the value 4 into eax when I pass the Address?


I got it, The issue was I needed to extract from the extracted address twice

mov eax, [Param]
mov eax, [eax]

Thanks QWORD!


FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!

Mark Jones

Dave, even if he went to Spook's forum, he would find himself in much friendler company. Many other high-profile names frequent that place too, so there is no lack of like-minded folk. They too must abide by legal red-tape, so will not answer blatent H/P/A/V/C questions, but are much more relaxed in what they term "legal." Here, where a topic can be flamed regularly just because the name of the poster appears questionable, it would not even cause a ripple over there... Plus, there are more posts and more concurrent users. He is doing things the hard way, here.
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


he insults our intelligence - lol
"how do you make building block C ?"
"how do you make building block A ?"
"how do you make building block T ?"
like we can't tell he is trying to spell "cat" - lol


Quote from: dedndave on July 03, 2009, 02:34:08 AM
he insults our intelligence - lol
"how do you make building block C ?"
"how do you make building block A ?"
"how do you make building block T ?"
like we can't tell he is trying to spell "cat" - lol

See his website for more details on his new CAT