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Using HTMLHelp2 with DExplore

Started by donkey, January 30, 2009, 02:16:37 AM

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I think i have found the soluce.
Change to Help2 (not Help) interface and there is no more problems .
I have made several tests  using the help (scrolling ...) and the help was closed at the normal time.
switch are as follow:
;  sIID_Help2   TEXTEQU   <{078413D2Dh,00492h,04A9Bh,{0ABh,025h,073h,006h,033h,067h,099h,077h}}>
    invoke GetInterfaceFromProgId,SADR("DExplore.AppObj.9.0"),addr IID_Help2

invoke CoCreateInstance,addr clsid, NULL,CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,pIID,addr ppv

the "invoke keybd_event,VK_RETURN,NULL,NULL,NULL" seems to work without adding problems.
I have verify if my editor receive or not a line break when this is send.



That is the CLSID I am using and the problem persists.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


something useful for testing can be done

         Help2 Release
         .if eax != 0
            jmp @B

After many testing , nothing grant that the returned eax (count of interface) is = to 0.
I am certain that some (but not all) of the problems com from here.

I am writing a secure launch of dexplore as a dependant process , and then make a connection.
Hope this will solve.


I have still not found a way to ensure that DExplore closes using the COM interface, as an interim solution I have modified the WaitForClose function to close it...

WaitForClose FRAME pInterface
LOCAL pint:D

mov eax,[pInterface]
mov [pint],eax

invoke CreateThread,NULL,NULL,OFFSET WaitThread,OFFSET pint,NULL,OFFSET WaitID

invoke WaitForSingleObject,eax,INFINITE


WaitThread FRAME lParam
LOCAL hwnd:D
LOCAL hProcess:D
LOCAL pInterface:D

mov eax,[lParam]
mov eax,[eax]
mov [pInterface],eax

invoke FindWindow, DExploreWndClass, NULL
mov [hwnd],eax

invoke GetWindowThreadProcessId,[hwnd],offset pid
mov [tid],eax

invoke OpenProcess,PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,[pid]
mov [hProcess],eax

invoke Sleep,125
invoke IsWindowVisible,[hwnd]
test eax,eax
jnz <

invoke ReleaseInterface,[pInterface]

invoke TerminateProcess,[hProcess],0

invoke ExitThread,0

I have put the wait for close in a thread so that in a real application with a message loop I can simply broadcast a message to tell the app it is closed, for the test I just wait for the thread to exit.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


I have found a soluce that grant that dexplore is closed
This one use a list of valid process in the computer.
TerminateProcess is called if necessary
This need just a little improvment (seems a delay is necessary before make a verify)

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi donkey,

Sorry for the out-topic question, but what does this line means?

    jnz <  ; Jump to where?

I usually see them in most of your codes.




Two modifies can be made in the securedeplore:
When no new dexplore.exe is found
         invoke IsrunningDexploreNew
         .if eax == 0
            ;no new process found,there was invisible dexplore before
            invoke MessageBox,NULL,ADDR SzNoNewProcess,ADDR SzNoNewProcessTitle,MB_YESNO
            ;invalid  the process destroy
            mov pe.th32ProcessID,0
in the DetruireProcess PROC

DetruireProcess PROC
   Local Hprocess:dword
   mov  Hprocess,0
   mov ExitCode,0                         ;add this

Mark Jones

Quote from: gwapo on February 02, 2009, 10:54:08 AM
...what does this line mean?

    jnz <  ; Jump to where?

Hi Chris, this is one of GoASM's additional jump label syntaxes. It is like the @@: / @B / @F anonymous jump labels in MASM, except :, ., <, >, <<, and >> are used instead for various local and far meanings.
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08



Still no real success with DExplore, I am considering experimenting with the MS help services interface and writing my own version of DEXplore, although there is absolutely no docs that I can find on the interface I have managed to connect, set the collection and am now trying to extract a URL for a specific keyword. It is a long process but I hope to get it done. I had hoped that the hxSession member of IVsHelp might provide me with a pointer to the IHxSession interface it is using but even though I get a valid pointer when I call it the interface seems wrong, some methods have null pointers and the stack is unbalanced after some calls, hinting that the interface is not what I was expecting. Attached is the header for MS Help Services, it appears to be the main access point for all Help2.

I have tried this, all calls return success however I still don't get a URL:

GetKeywordURL FRAME pszCollection, pszKeyword, pUrl
LOCAL wszKeyword[1024]:W
LOCAL wszCollection[1024]:W
LOCAL pbstrKeyword:D
LOCAL pThisSession:D
LOCAL pbstrCollection:D
LOCAL pbstrNavMoniker:D

// Create an instance of IHxSession
invoke CoCreateInstance,offset CLSID_IHxSession, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL,offset IID_IHxSession, offset pThisSession
test eax, eax

// Convert the Collection name to unicode then create a BSTR with it
invoke MultiByteToWideChar,CP_ACP,NULL,[pszCollection],-1,offset wszCollection,1024
invoke SysAllocString,offset wszCollection
mov [pbstrCollection],eax

// Set the collection
test eax, eax

// Allocate an uninitialed string to return the URL
invoke SysAllocStringLen ,NULL,1024
mov [pOutUrl],eax

// Convert the keyword to unicode then create a BSTR with it
invoke MultiByteToWideChar,CP_ACP,NULL,[pszKeyword],-1,offset wszKeyword,1024
invoke SysAllocString,offset wszKeyword
mov [pbstrKeyword],eax

// Create a BSTR with the navigation moniker
invoke SysAllocString,L"!DefaultKeywordIndex"
mov [pbstrNavMoniker],eax

// Get the URL for the keyword
test eax, eax

// Convert the url to ANSI
invoke WideCharToMultiByte,CP_ACP,NULL,[pOutUrl],-1,[pUrl],1024,NULL,NULL

// Release the IHxSession interface

// Free the BSTR data
invoke SysFreeString,[pbstrKeyword]
invoke SysFreeString,[pOutUrl]
invoke SysFreeString,[pbstrCollection]
invoke SysFreeString,[pbstrNavMoniker]

// Return S_OK
mov eax,NULL

// Release the IHxSession interface
push eax
pop eax



If I could get the URL for a keyword it is a simple matter of displaying it in a web browser control.

[attachment deleted by admin]
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


The levels of indirection here are mind boggling, IHxSession > IHxTopicList > IEnumHxTopic > IHxTopic > ???, Still trying to get a valid pointer to IHxTopic so I can enumerate the topics but no luck, also I think I might have to implement IMarshal in order to read/write the data for IHxSession since it doesn't seem to actually transfer any information to memory buffers in my application. If this was .NET or some extremely high level framewwork it would be a cake walk but in assembly the complexity is getting to the point where it outweighs the advantages of wrapping the interface.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


An alternate way can be used.
Use hxcomp (visual studio sdk) to uncompiled the desired help file.
Extract the useful informations,put them in a text file.Then,before send DisplayTopicFromKeyword,search this text file and used the function with the exact index she is waiting for.
Search in text is very fast.
If necessary,I have write a tool than can extract title from multiple html page and create an index for chm file.This one can be easily modify to write just a list of keyword.


Hi ToutEnMasm,

That is a solution as long as you never change your help files, and as long as you don't evr plan on using any other help collections with it, it is not the direction I am looking to take. Also what if someone is using the PSDK instead of MSDN or some other future version MS might dream up. I want general purpose wrappers for the IHxSession interface, this will allow exploits for both directly accessing a help2 data base as well as DExplore (it exposes the IDispatch interface in hxSession). I am currently looking at treating the interface as if it was an ActiveX object and calling IDispatch to execute the methods. However, to dothis I had to rewrite the header to include DSIPIDs, that will be finished soon.

Currently however, the IHxSession interface seems to be returning a bogus IDispatch since IDispatch::Invoke points to NULL, which ofcourse is completely against the rules of COM. I am still trying to figure out why, but I suspect the answer when I find it will solve all of the outstanding issues. Here's the first attempt at IDispatch::Invoke;

GetTopicURL FRAME pszCollection, pszKeyword
// Used to convert ANSI to BSTR
LOCAL wszKeyword[1024]:W
LOCAL pbstrKeyword:D
LOCAL wszCollection[1024]:W
LOCAL pbstrCollection:D

// Pointer to output BSTR
// Pointer to navigation moniker (always !DefaultKeywordIndex)
LOCAL pbstrNavMoniker:D

// this
LOCAL pIHxSession :D

// Used for calls to IDispatch::Invoke
LOCAL TypeInfo:D

// Empty array of named arguments
LOCAL NullPointer:D

// Array of arguments for IDispatch::Invoke

// Error returns for IDispatch::Invoke
LOCAL excpt[64]:D
LOCAL excptnum:D

// Zero the array of named arguments (there are none)
mov D[NullPointer],0

// Create an instance of IHxSession
invoke CoCreateInstance,offset CLSID_IHxSession, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL,offset IID_IHxSession, offset pIHxSession
test eax, eax

// Convert the Collection name to unicode then create a BSTR with it
invoke MultiByteToWideChar,CP_ACP,NULL,[pszCollection],-1,offset wszCollection,1024
invoke SysAllocString,offset wszCollection
mov [pbstrCollection],eax

// Set the collection
test eax, eax

// Convert the keyword to unicode then create a BSTR with it
invoke MultiByteToWideChar,CP_ACP,NULL,[pszKeyword],-1,offset wszKeyword,1024
invoke SysAllocString,offset wszKeyword
mov [pbstrKeyword],eax

// Allocate an uninitialed string to return the URL
invoke SysAllocStringLen ,NULL,1024
mov [pbstrURL],eax

// Create a BSTR with the navigation moniker
invoke SysAllocString,L"!DefaultKeywordIndex"
mov [pbstrNavMoniker],eax

// Get the typeinfo for IDispatch::Invoke call
CoInvoke(pIHxSession,IHxSession.IDispatch.GetTypeInfo,0,NULL,offset TypeInfo)
test eax,eax

// Fill the DISPPARAMS structure, it describes the arguments array
// No named arguments
mov D[dispparams.cNamedArgs],0
// 4 arguments
mov D[dispparams.cArgs],4
// point the named arguments to an empty array
// not sure if this is necessary since there are none but can't hurt
lea eax,NullPointer
mov D[dispparams.rgdispidNamedArgs],eax

// Build the arguments array

// Store EBX
push ebx

// point EBX to our VARIANTARG array
lea ebx,dispargs
// Fill the first argument (keyword BSTR)
mov eax,[pbstrKeyword]
mov [ebx+VARIANTARG.pbstrVal],eax
// Hopefully this resolves correctly, it is 16 bytes
// but I am not sure how C/C++ handles weird unions
// when it comes to structure size. The actual ammount
// of data being stored is 12 bytes (8b header + 4b data)

// Fill the second argument (Navigation moniker BSTR)
mov eax,[pbstrNavMoniker]
mov [ebx+VARIANTARG.pbstrVal],eax

// Fill the third argument (options)
mov W[ebx+VARIANTARG.vt],VT_I4
mov D[ebx+VARIANTARG.lVal],0 ; Options

// Fill the fourth argument (Filter moniker BSTR)
// this is simply a pointer to an empty BSTR
mov eax,[pbstrNULL] ; FilterMoniker is NULL string
mov [ebx+VARIANTARG.pbstrVal],eax

// Resotre EBX
pop ebx

// >>>>>>> This is the GPF, IHxSession.IDispatch.Invoke points to NULL

// call IDispatch::Invoke
CoInvoke(pIHxSession,IHxSession.IDispatch.Invoke,DISPID_IHxSession_QueryForUrl,NULL,NULL,DISPATCH_METHOD,offset dispparams,[pbstrURL],offset excpt,offset excptnum)
test eax,eax

// Free the BSTRs
invoke SysFreeString,[pbstrCollection]
invoke SysFreeString,[pbstrKeyword]
invoke SysFreeString,[pbstrURL]
invoke SysFreeString,[pbstrNavMoniker]

// Release the IHxSession interface
test eax,eax

// Return S_OK
xor eax,eax

// each error block is framed in push/pop eax
// this is so that the return value the COM calls
// is preserved and returned by the function

push eax
// Free the BSTRs
invoke SysFreeString,[pbstrKeyword]
invoke SysFreeString,[pbstrURL]
invoke SysFreeString,[pbstrNavMoniker]
pop eax

push eax
// Free the collection BSTR
invoke SysFreeString,[pbstrCollection]
// Release the IHxSession interface
pop eax



"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


seems there is here some answers
I will try this method getting IHxSession threw IHxIndex as suggested by the typelib


Hi ToutEnMasm,

No need but thanks, in the ultimate stupid move I forgot to dereference the output BSTR pointer before sending it to WideCharToMultiByte. Once I discovered my bonehead mistake I found the interfaces acted as they should. Here is a small demo, it is not interactive but displays the help entry for WM_COMMAND, it does this without any supporting program, that is without either DExplore or H2Viewer. I have not yet found the correct syntax for wild cards but I know the methods accept them.

[attachment deleted by admin]
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable