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Qeditor Plugins available?

Started by mdevries, March 15, 2005, 04:46:29 PM

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Hi all,

I wonder: Is somewhere out there available a plugin for Qeditor that can do something like color hiliting: Showing mnemonics, functionnames, comments and other known stuff in the editor in different colors?

And is there a plugin that could do the following: While entering an API function, a listbox shows the different API functions to choose from, including the paramaters needed.

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Friendly regards,


Hi Paul,

The reason why I ask this: Some other editors, like EasyCode forinstance, have such capabilities.
I thought maybe someone could have had the idea to make it possible for Qeditor too!
For if it is possible elsewhere, I thougt it would be possible for Qeditor too. But maybe I am mistaken.

Friendly regards,


each editor is for each thing its created...
I think you can use Winasm or RadAsm if you want this possibilities



QE is restrained by size limitations as it must be able to run on low end hardware without any problems but the plugin interface gives you all of the handles required to add any functionality you require. For API information, it has direct F1 support built into it so click on a word, press F1 and if you have the help option set up to WIN32.HLP, you will get the API help for that API.

Just go to the Edit menu and select Edit Settings.
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I somehow lost all brainpower as to your question.  Hutch is probably laughing right now.  Sorry if I misled you and I have removed the two posts with the wrong information.  Somehow I thought you were talking about QBasic!  :bdg :bdg




And you can't use senile decay as an excuse either, that MY excuse.
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Thanks guys, for your replies.

Quote from: hutch-- on March 15, 2005, 11:50:06 PM
QE is restrained by size limitations as it must be able to run on low end hardware without any problems but the plugin interface gives you all of the handles required to add any functionality you require.

Hutch, I understand that Qeditor in its basic form has its limitations because it must run on as many systems as possible. And as you state: it can be extended by means of plugins. Ofcourse someone could write a plugin for himself. But I would say, why invent the wheel twice, when someone else has built the functionality already. And if it is already there: why not present it to the community?

Friendly regards,