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Input/Output w/o Macros

Started by Spudster, December 22, 2008, 07:40:24 PM

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I've been working on getting a program to read input, then redisplay that on the screen only using the Windows API.  I know that MASM32 comes with a macros package that I can use, and I have.  It's simple and slick to use, but I just really want to learn exactly how the Windows API works and I figured this should be the simplest program to write.  Here's what I have that's working:

  .model flat,stdcall
  option casemap:none

  ... Include windows/kernel32/etc. ...

helloText db "Hello World",0

hConsoleOutput HANDLE ?
hConsoleInput HANDLE ?

  call main
  invoke ExitProcess,0

main proc

  invoke GetStdHandle,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
  mov hConsoleOutput,eax
  invoke GetStdHandle,STD_INPUT_HANDLE
  mov hConsoleInput,eax

  invoke WriteConole,hConsoleOutput,addr helloText,11,0,0
main endp
end program

I've tried using the ReadConsole and the ReadConsoleInput, but they just pass through without prompting.  I remember reading that I'll have to tell the system to wait for a certain input (i.e. "enter"), then read the buffer to an array, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do this.  I figure I'll have to use a hook, or figure out how to use raw input, but I have yet to successfully use either of these.

For everyone that's helped me so far, I thank you much.  Over the last week a lot has come together because of the information that I've received here.  Now, if I can just figure out how to use the Windows API the down and dirty way, I'll be happy (for now).


For working examples you might take a look at the input macro in macros.asm, and at the StdIn and StdOut procedures in m32lib\stdin.asm and m32lib\stdout.asm.
eschew obfuscation


Oh, beautiful.  That's just what I was looking for.  Thanks.  I was looking at macros.asm, and was confused where the code was coming from.  That explains it.


So basically writing text to the console involves getting the 'STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE' and using that to 'WriteFile'. very intresting, and I thought that StdOut was an actual low level api call,  I wish I had a list of the very bare bones windows api functions, you now the functions that don't call any other, the lowest common denominator so to speak.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction. - Albert Einstien
