Masm bug? Macro not working when called as first instruction after Start:

Started by jj2007, June 17, 2008, 01:24:09 PM

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Just made a strange discovery. The code below works perfectly. However, try...

start: .if EXIST(addr FindMe)

... instead of ...

.if EXIST(addr FindMe)

Is this a known bug?

include \masm32\include\

EXIST MACRO fname:REQ, DiscardHandle:=<1>
invoke FindFirstFile, reparg(<fname>), addr wfd
xor eax, eax
.elseif DiscardHandle
invoke FindClose, eax
EXITM <eax>

wfd WIN32_FIND_DATA <?>

FindMe db "\masm32\OllyDbg\OLLYDBG.EXE", 0
FileEx db "The file exists:", 0
NoFile db "The file does NOT exist:", 0

.if EXIST(addr FindMe)
invoke MessageBox, 0, addr FindMe, addr FileEx, MB_OK
invoke MessageBox, 0, addr FindMe, addr NoFile, MB_OK
invoke ExitProcess, 0
end start

[attachment deleted by admin]



i don't think this is a bug. The code in EXIST()-macro will be created before the entrypoint. The reason for this is that masm expand macros before the current line.

regards qword

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