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linked list problem

Started by ragdog, June 11, 2008, 11:12:40 AM

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i have a problem with my listbox

i add string with     invoke SendMessage, hList, LB_ADDSTRING,0,addr hName1
and a substring      invoke SendMessage, hList, LB_SETITEMDATA, eax, addr  hName2

all my strings and sub string is in the cfg.ini

if i get the substring of a entry in listbox  print only the last substring

invoke SendMessage,hList,LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0
INVOKE SendMessage, hList, LB_GETITEMDATA,eax, 0
invoke MessageBox,hWnd,eax,0,MB_OK

can your help me

my source is added

[attachment deleted by admin]


The statement:

invoke SendMessage, hList, LB_SETITEMDATA, eax, addr hName2

Is setting the item data for each list item to the address of hName2, so the message box always displays the last string that was copied to hName2. The only simple fix I see is to use an array of strings and set the item data for each item to the address of the associated array element.
eschew obfuscation


have you an idea to fix this problem?

thanks for you reply


This is not a good fix, but it appears to work:

GetMenuPath Proc USES ESI EDI hWnd:DWORD


      hName1  db 256 dup(?)
      hTemp   db 256 dup(?)
      hName2  db 256 dup(?)
      array   db 9 dup(256 dup(?))

MOV aptr, OFFSET array

    ; 2048 = 8 * 256 and you have 9 items

    mov hTemp, 0
    invoke GetPrivateProfileString, CTEXT("Menu1"), NULL,0,\
                                    addr hTemp, 2048, addr szMenuCfg
    or eax, eax
    jnz @F
    jmp @Ret
    xor esi, esi

    .while (byte ptr hTemp[esi] != 0)
      invoke GetPrivateProfileString, CTEXT ("Menu1"), addr hTemp[esi], 0,\
                                          addr hName1, 256, addr szMenuCfg
      invoke lstrcpy,addr hName2,addr hName1

      lea edx, hName1
      xor edi, edi
      push eax

      .while (eax)
        .if byte ptr[edx+edi] == ','
          mov byte ptr[edx+edi], 0
         inc edi
          dec eax
      lea edx, hName2
      xor ecx, ecx
      push eax
      .while (eax)
        .if byte ptr [edx+ecx] == ','
          mov byte ptr[edx+ecx], 0
        inc  ecx
        dec eax
      pop  eax
      sub eax, ecx
      add eax,3
      ;invoke lstrcpyn, addr  hName2, addr hName2[ecx+1], eax
INVOKE lstrcpyn, aptr, ADDR hName2[ECX+1], EAX
      invoke SendMessage, hList, LB_ADDSTRING,0,addr hName1     
      ;invoke SendMessage, hList, LB_SETITEMDATA, eax, addr hName2
INVOKE SendMessage, hList, LB_SETITEMDATA, EAX, aptr

      add esi, 9

ADD aptr, 256

GetMenuPath endp
eschew obfuscation


thanks it works nice :U

is arry  limited or can I create an unlimited number of sub-entries?



I'm not sure what you mean by 'unlimited', but an array in the uninitialized data section should work OK up to a large number of elements, and it is easier to manage than allocated memory. I think any reasonable size string that is used only within the procedure should be LOCAL, for example:

LOCAL temp[2048]:BYTE
eschew obfuscation


Quote from: MichaelW on June 11, 2008, 09:24:46 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by 'unlimited', but an array in the uninitialized data section should work OK up to a large number of elements, and it is easier to manage than allocated memory. I think any reasonable size string that is used only within the procedure should be LOCAL, for example:

LOCAL temp[2048]:BYTE

"reasonable size string" means in this context: keep (size of all) stack variables below page size, i.e. 4096 bytes; otherwise you need to increase the stack size.