Can not change the icon for my Easy Code visual application

Started by etow, February 29, 2008, 05:33:28 PM

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I try to change the icon on the left hand corner of my Easy Code Windows application where the application text appears but could not get it to work.

Is it the IconBig or IconSmall properties?    I press the  ...  button next to these properties but it just says [none]

Please help.


Ramon Sala


Of course it says [None]! There is no icon resource created!

If you just take a single minut in reading the help file you will see that first of all you have to create a resource with the desired icon in the Resoiurce Editor. Place the icon file in the Res folder of the project directory. Double-click the Image table node in the Project explorer. In the Image table, click the Add button and a window will be shown. Enter the resource ID, i.e. IDI_APP_ICON, then choose the icon file with the browse button (...), and finally click the Add and Close buttons (in that order). Close the Image editor and after that you can go to the Properties window. Now in the IconBig and IconSmall properties, the IDI_APP_ICON will also appear.

Greetings from Catalonia

Ramon Sala

Greetings from Catalonia