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Started by NightWare, December 26, 2007, 10:57:57 PM

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IDLTEOSIBMO (i don't like the existing ones, so i built my own (if you ask me, there should be a section for that in the forum...))

to make me clear : it doesn't means my apps are better, it just means i have reasons to dislike the existing apps...

so here, few "alternative" :

CAU = catch user activities (keyboard capture + half screen capture + autoclean for "old" entries... this tool was made for one of my friends to supervise his children activities, so don't bother me with hacking stuff !!!)

CrypteurDecrypteur = cryptor/uncryptor (made for my personnal use, but never used... simple 32 bits key (safe enough for most usage), but it's quite easy to increase the security level by adding several key with your own pseudo radom number generator (with the seed/key of mine), and alternate them with mine when crypting/uncrypting (coz mine is fast and allow full range from 0 to 0ffffffffh))

Horloge = clock (just a stupid clock/watch...)

Loupe = lupe (zoom + screen area capture)

RemplacerDivision = magic divider (you all know the tool made by the svin, it's cool but it only show 1 of the 2 possible methods, so here, it show my method (better until your values don't exceed 65536) and the svin method (better when it's bigger), and the tool also has the ability to send the generated source code to another app, like your favorite editor...)

as always, i use my own calling conventions, and all those codes are in french (comments+docs+variables names+procs names)... after all, if you don't speak french, it's YOUR problem... ;)

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the last attachment.

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