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HLA v1.93 is now available

Started by Randall Hyde, April 28, 2007, 06:12:27 PM

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Randall Hyde

Hi All,
HLA v1.93 is now available on Webster at

This is a quick maintenance release that fixes a couple of defects that have turned up.

First, it fixes a problem with passing hybrid parameters to a HLL-like procedure call that appears at some point other than the first operand in a complex boolean expression in a HLL-like control structure (can you tell that this is a rare problem?)

Second, it fixes a problem with temp and object paths passed on the command-line to HLAPARSE. Previously, these items weren't quoted on the HLAPARSE command line (by the HLA program), so paths that contained spaces failed. On top of that, HLA always put a backslash on the end of such paths, so even if the paths were surrounded by quotes, the whole thing failed (under Windows) because the command-line processor treated \" as an actual quote character. HLA no longer puts backslashes at the end of these paths (HLAPARSE handles that now) and HLA always puts quotes around the paths to make sure the command-line scanner properly handles spaces in pathnames.

HLA.EXE under Windows now supports the use of wildcard characters. E.g., "hla -c *.hla" will compile all the HLA files to OBJ files in the current directory.  Note that if you want to link them all together and produce an executable, it's best to explicitly specify an executable filename (e.g., "-e:projname") as HLA normally uses the first .hla file on the command line as the name to use for the executable.  That is, you should use a command like this to compile all the HLA files in the current directory to an executable:

hla -e:myproj *.hla

Randy Hyde