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Easy Question from NewB programmer

Started by _VEndeTta, April 17, 2007, 07:23:56 PM

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 :green I know Pentium ASM and have some experience programming on a Pentium 3/4 in
Linux on NASM, but I've never used MASM before and am now working on a Dual Core Centrino
that I know nothing about. Does it still support the pentium instruction set? Do I have to specify
a processor type? Basically is there any way for me to assemble a program on the Centrino in
Pentium ASM and have it run?

:U Thanks in advance.



The insruction set is the same no matter which OS uses the processor. Where you will need more than the insruction set with a Core 2 Duo is in how to utilise multiple threads so that your code will use more than one core at a time.
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So the registers are all the same? I guess that doesn't matter as long as it supports the
pentium ASM, alright, thanks.  :wink

btw, could you maybe point me to a tutorial on multi-threading? Because that sound cool.  :U

EDIT: Nevermind, I got mine working. Thanks a bunch. I could still use a tutorial on multi-threading
though, so holler out if you know one. ;) I'll read the MASM documentation while i'm at it. Lol.


One of the example programs included with MASM32 does multithreading.

If your program is a single threaded process then it isn't a problem.  :wink

There are extra SIMD instructions (SSE2 SSE3) available on the later Pentium 4 CPUs
and Core Microarchitecture that are not on the Pentium 3 and earlier CPUs.