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How to reuse a block of data?

Started by ramguru, May 13, 2007, 02:42:07 PM

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I cannot accomplish one simple task, can anyone help?

; I have the following block of data that should appear at least 15 times in data section
win_st \
dd 00010000h,00010000h,0
dd 00020000h,00020000h,0
dd 00100000h,00100000h,0
dd 00200000h,00200000h,0
dd 00800000h,00800000h,0
dd 02000000h,02000000h,0
dd 04000000h,04000000h,0
dd 08000000h,08000000h,0
dd 10000000h,10000000h,0
dd 40000000h,40000000h,0

dd 00000001h,00000001h,0
dd 00000002h,00000002h,0
dd 00000004h,00000004h,0
dd 00000008h,00000008h,0
dd 00000010h,00000010h,0
dd 00000020h,00000020h,0
dd 00000040h,00000040h,0
dd 00000080h,00000080h,0
dd 00000100h,00000100h,0
win_st ; instead of writing ten lines of dd statements I want one reference
dd 00000001h,00000001h,0
dd 00000002h,00000002h,0
dd 00000004h,00000004h,0
dd 00000008h,00000008h,0
; and so on

I tried to put win_st in macro statement, but it didn't work, I tried to put win_st block in STRUCT statement, but compiler claimed that it doesn't allow initialized data, I tried to put win_st block in .cont section (win_st equ...), it compiled OK, but it didn't work as expected...  :(


One quick way would be to use a macro-
win_st macro
dd 00010000h,00010000h,0
dd 00020000h,00020000h,0
dd 00100000h,00100000h,0
dd 00200000h,00200000h,0
dd 00800000h,00800000h,0
dd 02000000h,02000000h,0
dd 04000000h,04000000h,0
dd 08000000h,08000000h,0
dd 10000000h,10000000h,0
dd 40000000h,40000000h,0


Yes, indeed it works  :U thanks
Initially I thought that macro may not work in other than code section (and defined macro same way as struct, so it didn't work then)



If you don't have to change the values in the .DATA section, why not have only 1 copy and simply change the addresses so they all point to the same data ?
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I agree hutch your suggestion sounds logic, but it would make everything ten times harder, maybe impossible. I access values by index:
mov    esi, ptr_to_one_of_block
mov    ecx, index_of_one_value_in_block
lea    ecx, [ecx*2+ecx]
mov    eax, DWORD PTR [esi+ecx*4]

Now if I had separate block1 & block2
I had to check if index is not out of block1 bounds (and I actually have no idea about bounds, the number of values in block is unknown), if yes load block2...


What's wrong with this way?
Align 4

BlockHead Struct
dd 00010000h,00010000h,0
dd 00020000h,00020000h,0
dd 00100000h,00100000h,0
dd 00200000h,00200000h,0
dd 00800000h,00800000h,0
dd 02000000h,02000000h,0
dd 04000000h,04000000h,0
dd 08000000h,08000000h,0
dd 10000000h,10000000h,0
dd 40000000h,40000000h,0
BlockHead Ends

win_st BlockHead<>
ACS_DW BlockHead<>
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 6.14.8444          05/15/07 16:19:36
C:\Masm32\Basic\Basic.asm                 Page 1 - 1
00000340 00010000      win_st BlockHead<>
Regards,  P1   :8)


Nothing wrong, except that compiler gives an error message:

warning: No support for: 'init expression'.  :boohoo:  :8)


Note:  Added listing to previous post.
So I don't understand the assembler error your getting.

You are assembling with what version?

Regards,  P1   :8)

Block.asm demo concept.
; #########################################################################

; Name v1.0.0.0 by P1,
; A MASM32 program to description.

; #########################################################################

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none   ; case sensitive

; #########################################################################
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

; #########################################################################

Align 4

BlockHead Struct
dd 00010000h,00010000h,0
dd 00020000h,00020000h,0
dd 00100000h,00100000h,0
dd 00200000h,00200000h,0
dd 00800000h,00800000h,0
dd 02000000h,02000000h,0
dd 04000000h,04000000h,0
dd 08000000h,08000000h,0
dd 10000000h,10000000h,0
dd 40000000h,40000000h,0
BlockHead Ends

win_st BlockHead<>
ACS_DW BlockHead<>
; #########################################################################

Align 4

; #########################################################################

Align 4
invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL

invoke ExitProcess,NULL

; #########################################################################

end start


I checked more than twice  :U
Same error message, I'm assembling with poasm 1.00.35