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text editor in A86 (cont.)

Started by LouisStDubois, September 06, 2006, 03:43:54 PM

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We're still trying to get A86 and a text editor to work in conjunction.  Our problem is two-fold.  We have a collection of old computers and want to use them to program.  We're running DOS 3.3 on a 80286 and have a streamlined text editor loaded in the A86 directory, but aren't posessed of the skill level necessary to get them to work together.  Also, we are programming on a 80486 running IBM's PC DOS 6.1 which has a perfectly good text editor, but we're still unable to tell it where the A86 directory is.  Please assume that we know nothing about how to use a text editor for anything but word processing.  Any help anyone can give us will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.  EWW

"...we do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard."  JFK


Is there any reason to open a new thread? The old one is not locked.
Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.--Plato
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way


I didn't realize that I was breaching forum rules.  I thought that the posting was old and forgotten and since I hadn't solved my problem I would re-post hence the (cont.) and that it deserved some clarification.  EWW


If by "work in conjunction" you mean to have the text editor execute the assembler and pass it the source file, your editor may not have that capability. If it does, then you will need to refer to the editor documentation to determine how to make it work. If it does not, then you can fall back to using batch files, similar to the examples that came with A86.
eschew obfuscation


Thanks MichaelW.  The only bat files I have with a86 are Install.bat, erdemo.bat, and mtcols.bat. but I'll keep plugging away at it.  The sn editor which I found by doing a websearch for "text editor for a86" is installed in the a86 directory so I may have better luck getting it to work with.  eww


Hey MichaelW!

I almost forgot.  I seem to recall that you mentioned a sixteen bit version of MASM.  Can you tell me about how much it costs and maybe provide me a link to where to get that.  Thanks.  EWW


If by "sixteen bit version of MASM" you mean a version that will run on the typical 16-bit system, I think any version prior to 6.0 will work. Version 6.0 was for MS-DOS and OS/2, but I think it may have required extended memory, at least under some conditions.
eschew obfuscation