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how to run the .chm file from the helptopic menu?

Started by Eric4ever, May 30, 2006, 09:27:06 AM

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i'm sorry, zooba, i cannot catch it.

Could you give me some examples to learn?


Or just run through the string byte-by-byte looking for either the null-byte end of string or a second "\" after the first "\" character in the drivespec ("C:\"), which is probably all the SHLWAPI stuff does anyway, and will save you a slow external API call and an include. Then simply truncate the string by adding a null-byte after the "\" if you found one, or a "\" and a null-byte if you didn't.

EDIT: forgot you are definitely getting a full file name after the path with this function. You just need code like this, definitely too minimal to waste calling SHLWAPI functions for:

        lea     ebx, TestPathSpec       ; a buffer MAX_PATH chars in length
        invoke  GetModuleFileName, NULL, ebx, MAX_PATH
        lea     ecx, [ebx+2]            ; first check pos is slash at end of C:\
        test    eax, eax
        jz      FatalPathError
        mov     al, [ecx]
        add     ecx, 1
        test    al, al                  ; is it the string end
        jz      @F
        cmp     al, "\"                 ; is it a path delimiter
        jne     @B
        mov     edx, ecx                ; save last path delimiter found
        jmp     @B
        mov     [edx], al               ; null-terminate path
        sub     edx, ebx                ; get path length including last delimiter
