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No way to make the ".shared" section ?

Started by Vermi, April 30, 2006, 03:51:13 PM

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I'm coding a DLL, and I need a .shared section, but I can't make it directly.
I use the SEGMENT directive, and I wanted to do :
.shared SEGMENT
.shared ENDS

but MASM don't like the ".", so I can make :
shared SEGMENT
shared ENDS

But windows don't like, I have to rename the section with a PE editor....
As anyone the solution ? The section name MUST be ".shared". :/
I have try things like : ".shared" SEGMENT
but it don't work. If you have an idea...



I have foud a solution. I have add a param to the link.exe :

And it have renamed automatically my section name. It's not a very nice solution, but it work. If you have another one, tell me !



Have you tried "option dotname" ?




I have a bigger probleme, when I rename the section to .shared ( in stay of shared ), the function SetWindowsHookEx freeze. I have trace the API to see when it freeze, and I have founds it's on a INT 2E ( if I remember well ), it's when API switch to ring 0.
I don't understand why, but I can't have my .shared section because of that **** API ( lol ) ... :'(



Well, it's been a while since I last fiddled with this stuff, but if I recall correctly, to make the segment shared (ie not just calling it that) you must change the segemnt permissions, so if you have:

option dotname

.shared SEGMENT
.shared ENDS

you must use the following in the linker commandline:


This changes the permission DWORD from the default of C0000040 to D0000040.

You should be able to do this without altering the commandline, but I forget the commands.

Hope that helps,
Website (very old):


Thanj you, it's work fine :p
Thank you very much XD
