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Console Input/ Output nasm

Started by consoleUser, March 21, 2006, 05:12:46 PM

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I'm forced to use the nasm assembler, and I have to do some console input/output (in cmd) in my app.
Because im quiet new to assembly programming/ winapi programming and I found  no tutorials for nasm on the net on this topic, I hope I can get a sample codesnippet here.

greetz consoleUser


You are welcome to ask in here if any of the members remember using NASM buit you may get a better answer from a guy called Bryant Keller in the forum at this link . He is one of the moderators and his nick is Synfire but he is up to date with NASM and does some support for it.
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You can get the NASM binaries, documentation, and example sources here:

The attachment contains a simple console app that demonstrates console I/O using a few of the functions available in MSVCRT.DLL. The batch file to build the app is coded to use GoLink, available here:


MSDN: Run-Time Library Reference, Run-Time Routines by Category

MSDN: Windows API Reference, Functions by Category

Example of a Windows API function call:

segment .data 
  mbtext    db "the message",0
  mbcaption db "the caption",0
segment .text
extern MessageBoxA
    push  0
    push  mbcaption
    push  mbtext
    push  0
    call  MessageBoxA

And you would need to add the name of the DLL that contains the called function to the GoLink command line, in this case user32.dll:

GoLink /console console.obj user32.dll msvcrt.dll

Most API functions that take string parameters or return a string (pointer) are implemented as ANSI and Unicode versions. In this case MessageBoxA specifies the ANSI version, and MessageBoxW would specify the Unicode version. When you search for a function on MSDN you should specify the function name without the suffix, for example 'MessageBox'.

[attachment deleted by admin]
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