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Freeware Win32 Resource Linker

Started by Vortex, October 13, 2005, 07:46:37 AM

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Hi friends,

Roland Walter has a nice tool to link compiled resource files ( .res ) with executables :

QuoteUnder You can download a small (16K) 32 Bit Resource linker.
It's name is RLINK32.EXE (or name it Rlink32 if You like) to remember that a tool named RLINK.EXE just exist as a version for 16 Bit Windows executables coming from Borland.
Rlink32 can link a binary Win32 resource file (*.res) into an executable (exe or dll).
Binary resource files you can create using the Borland Resource Workshop, with the Microsoft Resource Compiler and many other resource compilers of course.

First build your application (exe/dll) using your favorite compiler and after link the resources into your application using RLINK32.EXE

The main reasons for making RLINK32 were:
1. I couldn't find such a tool for Win32 executables
2. I use (and like) PowerBasic for Windows but the 32 bit PowerBasic compiler doesn't
handle binary resource files directly - first You have to convert the resource file into
a special format. This wasn't very handy for me.
3. I also use some Freeware tools :-)

The tool is a Win32 command line program and very simple to use:
RLINK32.EXE resfile.res exefile.exe
RLINK32.EXE resfile.res dllfile.dll

Here is a small example, the icon of the executable is modified by Rlink32

[attachment deleted by admin]


Here are two more resource linkers :

Resource linker from jcfuller :

Resource linker by Yaroslav :


i used a long time this one , but some user reported me problems and i had them too (something with windows nt dos error,bla bla bla). i coded my own resource updater which handles 32bit resource files. its not so hard to code it yourself...