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ASM tuts specific to MASM.

Started by SiLentThReaD, August 06, 2005, 02:28:14 PM

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Sorry about all the questions.

Is there a tut that will teach me about .386 instruction set?
I need to become familiar with mov, pop, push, add, jpe, etc before I could try doing any api calls.

I do find asm tuts on the internet, but they are not specific to MASM compiler. They require me to rearrange the code, which I'm not very familiar with. I also run into code that uses interrupts, which I know is outdated.

Any asm tuts for MASM compiler hanging around ?


MASM32 has a lot of Iczelion's tutes plus a mountain of example code. Then you have Test Department's example code at the forum web site. This should keep you going for a while.
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Mark Jones

Hi, have you looked in MASM32\Tutorials and \examples? The complete Iczelion tuts are there, pre-compiled and in MASM format. Also it is imperative that ya read \help\ASMINTRO.HLP :)

Unfortunately there is no such thing as a step-by-step walkthrough for learning ASM. Learning ASM requires more than just a walkthrough. Looking at code ain't gonna cut it. Best you can do is follow each and every Iczelion tutorial as if it were schoolwork, then experiment on your own and start making small apps. We can answer any specific questions you have along the way.

Edit: Ditto what Hutch said. :)
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