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The loonyness of religion in America.

Started by Bill Cravener, February 19, 2012, 11:13:36 AM

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Speaking of auto programs Dave,the Feds are giving away $7500 for electric cars that are bought mainly by richer people.Because thats all that can afford
the higher price tag of those cars.
God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO


see - that sounds like a replay of what happened here

here in Az, there is a wealthy group of individuals known as "the phoenix 40"
it's a group of land developers, car dealers, lawyers, bankers, media execs, and other rich assholes that pretty much run the state
they decide what bills pass and who gets elected - not the people

i remember, one year, the people were so visibly tired of republican governors (because they are controlled by the group)
so - the phoenix 40 took a republican candidate, put her on the ticket as a democrat - and backed her with big money
you were going to get one of their puppets, no matter how you voted
and - it's not the governor they are interested in, so much as the secretary of state
an office that is appointed by the governor - not elected
the secretary of state oversees elections - which i believe are crooked as hell, here
i have seen numerous bills pass that were overwhelmingly opposed by the masses
and no federal oversight - no way to prove it

that's how they control the bills - and that's how they got that alternative fuels thing passed
and - of course, the car dealers that are members of the phoenix 40 were the ones that got paid for doing the conversions
the elected officials - at all levels - were the ones that saw it coming and put their orders in for new vehicles
of course - many phoenix 40 family members, friends, and so on, also got new cars - largely paid for by taxpayers
by the time your average citizen caught wind of the deal - too late - so sorry

before that, we had a budget surplus - now, the state is broke
and - they are looking for new ways to bilk the taxpayers