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How is this will end

Started by Farabi, December 07, 2011, 09:01:37 AM

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I can see that everything is leaded back into darkness like racism, and discrimination. We though live without religions will be good. But it was wrong. All along religions was taken for legitimating racism, white supremacy. Im not offended by with supremacy even though Im not white, I have gave up my pride as a human with a brown skin. Treat me anything you like, as a human or not. But that is not what I meant. If the world keep up like this, there would be no peace created.

When each person believe his God the real God is, and his God is his bodyguard, whatever he did. War is near. Each person had different laws, applied for his own but different with another. War is near.

Judaism with theyr scripture told us, that God is justice, by telling david story. Where david beeing punished because of took his soldier wife. The story was there not because it had no meaning, it had a meaning. I know, my reputation was bad, I spread hoax without I know that it was lie, and my lack of knowledge guide me astray when talking about religions, but hear me this, Justice is what make us strong.

Have a look at indonesia, or philiphine. Is God lack of followers? Did God help them? No!
There is no God on Injustice. See it yourself. But look at Japan, or USA. Porn everywhere. But did you see anyone match with their skills? No. Now I can say this: "God Blessed America". I saw it on my own. Anomaly,
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Both Russia an communist China where atheist. And they have killed hundreds of millions of people over the years.

My point is, that people that say that without religion there will be no wars, are at least naive. Wars are about power and resources. Not religion. Nor patriotism. And definitely not to defend the people.

Wars will end the day everyone stop following leaders and start thinking for themselves. Heck the mafia started in Sicily because the people knew that they could not trust the police nor the church. They could only trust their family.

But that where other times. Nowadays I would be more cynical. Trust only people that have at least as much to loose as you.


Have a look at this. This is the fountain of life. We are at it. The knowledge, the truth. We will live eternal if our live based on it. Myth and legend was wrong afterall. I saw it on my own. But those who follow the fountain of life, was so strong. Very strong.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


My ancestor is a traveler, he used to go to many country. Chinas, arabs, irak, persia, Israel, everywhere. Scatered every, in the search of knowledges.

500 years ago, baghdad iraq is the source of knowledge, everybody come there for college, and school. And then China. But now, eveything is on the western, USA. German raised up a few decade ago, and then russian, but now it is Japan and USA. That is why Im so obsessed to be american citizen, or england, or Japan. I want to go there, enjoying the facility. The knowledge.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Quote from: xanatose on December 08, 2011, 02:04:35 AM
My point is, that people that say that without religion there will be no wars, are at least naive.

Differences creates war, it is not religion. It is the culture that goes along with different religions that creates the circumstances for conflict, except for in Israel, they use scripture to justify land ownership.

We need more religions, not fewer. A world with no religions, where the majority of people don't have ability to be unique in thought, such a unilateral world present the same kind of world during the inquisition, where nobody accepts strangers those who are different. I think that the more religions we have, the more the world needs to adapt to our needs to be different. A world without religion would quell us all in short order. It's easy to say NOW that we don't need religion in the world, but would people have the same opinion afterwards?  :P
I have been puzzling with lego bricks all my life. I know how to do this. When Peter, at age 6 is competing with me, I find it extremely neccessary to show him that I can puzzle bricks better than him, because he is so damn talented that all that is called rational has gone haywire.


Lust making me difficult to advancing forward. Violence and stupid believe, making me went astray. Drugs, mariyuana and else, making it lots worse. It is a darkness on that day. A total darkness. I believe to such a stupid believe, and hold it whatever the cost. Now we are see that it is not helping anything. A non-sense stupid believe, where you can be called an infidels even until now in here. As a kids, I understand how they felt, where people arround you spread bullshit, but you cant against it. I remember that day when I was still kids. The only way to survive and became the leader is, spread the same bullshit, until people respect you.

I can see that they still the same. I dont know the rest, but on internet they are still the same. I watched that most of the Facebook user was a kid, that was born on 1994. About 17 Years Old. Only morron who will keep blindly follow that bullshit. But they kept it, in fear that people arround her will kill her. And when we gave them time to grasp, they will jump out from the waters. Look at many cities on here, short skirt, no burqa, that is the real them. They spread hatred because of fear, but give them a chance to be as they want, they will show you that theyre just an opportunist.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Quote from: Farabi on December 10, 2011, 08:54:34 AM
They spread hatred because of fear, but give them a chance to be as they want, they will show you that theyre just an opportunist.

Is in human nature to take advantage of the opportunities. That includes fear. The only thing that combats fear is understanding. You will still have it, but at least you will be in a position to know what to do.

Fear is the equivalent of a hardware exception on a computer. You cannot control when it will happen. But is up to you to provide a routine in case that the exception is raised. And to do that, you will need to understand what triggers that exception.

The same with all emotions. They are exceptions. Is up to you to provide the handling routine and understand why the exception is raised.


Quote from: Farabi on December 07, 2011, 09:01:37 AM
Judaism with theyr scripture told us, that God is justice, by telling david story.
"ism" means "the most important is"; so we have many variations, theocentrism (God is the center of Universe), and capitalism, socialism, I like the 3rd order, in my opinion, is a nice system (a mix of capitalism with socialism)... .
In my country , God is a synonym for  love.
This makes me think about Gioconda (monalisa), you are not looking to Gioconda, instead of this, Gioconda is looking to you, you are the center of Universe, humanism.


Quote from: mineiro on December 12, 2011, 05:49:19 AM
Quote from: Farabi on December 07, 2011, 09:01:37 AM
Judaism with theyr scripture told us, that God is justice, by telling david story.
"ism" means "the most important is"; so we have many variations, theocentrism (God is the center of Universe), and capitalism, socialism, I like the 3rd order, in my opinion, is a nice system (a mix of capitalism with socialism)... .
In my country , God is a synonym forĀ  love.
This makes me think about Gioconda (monalisa), you are not looking to Gioconda, instead of this, Gioconda is looking to you, you are the center of Universe, humanism.

Whoa, never heard of it  :U THeres got to be a nice living there, where is that? I hope everybody is welcome there, just like here, but in here ony anyone who got money who'll be served.

Anyway, Im lost most of my memories about 10 years, ago, maybe anyone know me before? Im Onan Farabi. I hope I did not do something stupid, my memories forming a false memories again now.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


I live in Brasil Sr Farabi. Our official religion by Constitution is catholic, but all religions forms are allowed, the only one that is not allowed here is the one that needs sacrifice.
When Lutero made a reform in church, he have said that you do not need pay to go to "sky". The pope don't have a map of sky. In that time, they pray in latim, but the only language that is said to everybody understand is "please, contribute".
One day I asked to my grandmother: "why we need go to church if God is obiquitous (are in all places in all the time"). She say to me that is because have more concentration of faith.
When I have said about love, I'm not talking about the love of one man to one woman, this loves is conditional, the love that I'm refering is the inconditional, the love of a father to their sons.