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Structure MIA in MASM32 (PRINTDLGEX)

Started by NoCforMe, November 19, 2011, 10:17:20 AM

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(I looked for a more appropriate forum to put this in but didn't find any. If this belongs somewhere else (like maybe the forum?) then go ahead and move it there.)

Putting together a little printing test bed, I discovered that the structure PRINTDLGEX doesn't exist anywhere in the include files, so I had to invent it:

  lStructSize DD  ?
  hwndOwner HWND ?
  hDevMode DD ?
  hDevNames DD ?
  hDC HDC ?
  Flags DD ?
  Flags2 DD ?
  ExclusionFlags DD ?
  nPageRanges DD ?
  nMaxPageRanges DD ?
  lpPageRanges DD ?
  nMinPage DD ?
  nMaxPage DD ?
  nCopies DD ?
  hInstance HINSTANCE ?
  lpPrintTemplateName DD ?
  lpCallback DD ?
  nPropertyPages DD ?
  lphPropertyPages DD ?
  nStartPage DD ?
  dwResultAction DD ?

(see this MSDN page for reference)

It's 'spozed to be in Commdlg.h, so maybe someone could put it in the corresponding .inc file (don't know what that would be). After checking, of course. (I made a lot of members that I really didn't know the type of into DDs here.) I tested this, and it works in my little program (shows the standard print dialog, and prints a document).


eschew obfuscation


Forum search reveals there are 6 threads dealing with this struct, and some dealing with printiing but without that struct, e.g. here.