how to do matrix matrix multiplication with 8086 in masm 5.00

Started by ahmed_eltalkhawy, May 03, 2005, 08:31:51 PM

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i want to multiply matrix X of dimention m×k by  Y matrix of dimention k×n

i wrote the following code but i have been short of registers to point to the resulting matrix

; PROGRAM : top.asm
; AUTHOR  : ahmed el talkhawy
; PURPOSE : matrix matrix multiplication

.model small
   m   equ   2
   k   equ   2
   n   equ   2
   xmat   dw 1,1,1,1
   ymat   dw 1,1,1,1
   result   dw m*n*2   dup (0)
main:   mov   ax,@data
   mov   ds,ax
   call   matrixmul
   mov   ah,4ch
   int   21h
matrixmul   proc   near
   mov   si,0
   mov   ax,0
   mov   cl,m
lp2:   mov   ch,n
   mov   bx,0
lp1:   call   vectormul
   add   bx,2
   dec   ch
   jnz   lp1
   add   si,k*2
   dec   cl
   jnz   lp2
matrixmul   endp
vectormul   proc   near
   push   cx
   push   si
   push   bx
   mov   bp,0
   mov   di,0
   mov   cl,k
lp:   mov   ax,xmat[si]
   mul   ymat[bx]
   add   bp,ax
   adc   di,dx
   add   si,2
   add   bx,2*n
   dec   cl
   jnz   lp
   pop   bx
   pop   si
   pop   cx
   mov   result[si][bx],bp                 ;wrong try
   mov   result[si][bx+2],di              ;wrong try
vectormul   endp
scalmul   proc   near
   mov   ax,xmat[si]
   mul   ymat[bx]
   add   bp,ax
   adc   di,dx
scalmul   endp
   end   main

can any one help me here??


If you are short of registers then you can save stuff to memory with push or mov.


Sorry, I missed your posting as I did not examine the full topic, as soon as I saw int 21h, I moved it.

Please post your questions in this area.  You will probably get more responses from here, also.



the problem is that i don't want to accumlate the results of the vectmul proc. in the memory because that will make my program slower


By the way, welcome to the forum, I hope you find this a useful relationship.  About accumulating results in memory; well, you have to live with what you have and the register set is very small.  Have you tried using the stack?  Be careful!



I know what matrix matrix multiplication is, but I am having a little diffictuly understnading the code. PLease could you post a commented version?

Using memory is not as slow as you might think, because of the prefetch cycle.


i will send a new version of the code with comments but if you could send me any matrix matrix multiplication code without accssesing the memory a lot in the loops


here is the commented code

; PROGRAM : top.asm
; AUTHOR  : ahmed el talkhawy
; PURPOSE : matrix matrix multiplication

.model small
   m   equ   2 ;no. of rows in xmat
   k   equ   2  ;no. of colmons in xmat and rows in ymat
   n   equ   2  ;no. of colmons in ymat
   xmat   dw 1,1,1,1
   ymat   dw 1,1,1,1
   result   dw m*n*2   dup (0)
main:   mov   ax,@data
   mov   ds,ax
   call   matrixmul
   mov   ah,4ch
   int   21h
matrixmul   proc   near
   mov   si,0                          ;points to rows in xmat
   mov   ax,0
   mov   cl,m
lp2:   mov   ch,n                  ;no. of col to multiplied
   mov   bx,0                        ;points to cols in ymat
lp1:   call   vectormul
   add   bx,2*n                     ;points to next colomn in ymat
   dec   ch
   jnz   lp1                             ;loop until the row of xmat is multiplied with every col in ymat
   add   si,k*2                       ;points to next row in xmat
   dec   cl                               ;loop until every row of xmat is multiplied with every col in ymat
   jnz   lp2
matrixmul   endp
vectormul   proc   near
   push   cx
   push   si
   push   bx
   mov   bp,0                ;register to accumlate the result
   mov   di,0                ;register to accumlate the result
   mov   cl,k                ;loop by the number of elements in the xmat's row or ymat's colomn
lp:   mov   ax,xmat[si]
   mul   ymat[bx]
   add   bp,ax                     ;save the results to be accumlated
   adc   di,dx                     ;save the results to be accumlated
   add   si,2                    ;points to next element in xmat's row
   add   bx,2*n                   ;points to next element in ymat's colomn
   dec   cl
   jnz   lp
   pop   bx
   pop   si
   pop   cx
   mov   result[si][bx],bp                 ;wrong try needs another register to point to result matrix
   mov   result[si][bx+2],di              ;wrong try
vectormul   endp
   end   main


Aero, instructions that access memory are much slower on the 8088/8086. For example:

mov   reg,reg   ;2 clocks
mov   reg,mem   ;9 clocks + EA clocks

add   reg,reg   ;3 clocks
add   reg,mem   ;9 clocks + EA clocks

EA (effective address) clocks vary from 5 for base or index (indirect memory operands) to 12 for base plus index plus displacement. So for a mov instruction you are looking at 2 clocks versus 14-21 clocks.

Ahmed, you could use CX for your additional register and control the loop by comparing SI to a pre-calculated termination value. Or if your code size is not restricted you could unroll the loop.
eschew obfuscation


dear MichaelW
you are completly right,but the the two solutions you said won't fit me because my program should be general to any matixs dimentions so i couldn't unroll the loop, and the compare also takes much time , so i need to free up any another register in the vectormul procedure


Use a segment register like es (someone will probably tell me off for telling you this, but hey.)



You could use DX for the additional register and push/pop it around the multiply. Push and pop are slow, but not as slow as most other memory operations. If you in-lined the vectormul code in matrixmul you could eliminate the relatively slow call and ret instructions.
eschew obfuscation


you are right but it is better to use di instead of dx because i will need it only to store the elements in the result matrix