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Using the invoke statement

Started by Robert Collins, December 23, 2004, 12:31:40 AM

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Hi pbrennick,

One you create the necessary include files, you can use them to call API functions without needing of invoke macro. The ide behind removing invoke is to call functions like in HLLs. This macro system is a good programming exercise for me, it's a matter of personal preference to use this methode.

Hi Robert,

I am not sure that you can build the executable without the stcall macro as it's used extensively in my macro system:

EXTERNDEF MessageBoxA@16:proc
MessageBox equ <stcall MessageBoxA@16,4>

Robert Collins

Quote from: Vortex on December 25, 2004, 09:56:27 AM
Hi pbrennick,

One you create the necessary include files, you can use them to call API functions without needing of invoke macro. The ide behind removing invoke is to call functions like in HLLs. This macro system is a good programming exercise for me, it's a matter of personal preference to use this methode.

Hi Robert,

I am not sure that you can build the executable without the stcall macro as it's used extensively in my macro system:

EXTERNDEF MessageBoxA@16:proc
MessageBox equ <stcall MessageBoxA@16,4>

Hi Vortex,

Well, unless it is hidden from my view I can't see where the usage of the stdcall macro is. I don't think it is in the MACROS.ASM file. But below is the simple code to use the CTEXT macro and it works fine.

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none

ExitProcess PROTO  :DWORD 
include    \masm32\include\
include    \masm32\include\
include    \masm32\include\

includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
; Include only for the switch macro
include MACROS.ASM                 

   LOCAL sym, dummy
   dummy EQU $   ;; MASM error fix
   CONST segment
      IFIDNI <y>,<>
         sym db 0
         sym db y,0
   CONST ends

myvalue          dd     25     

      mov eax,myvalue
      switch (myvalue)
        case 20
          invoke MessageBox, 0, CTEXT("myvalue == 20"), CTEXT("The Answer Is"), MB_OK
        case 23
          invoke MessageBox, 0, CTEXT("myvalue == 23"), CTEXT("The Answer Is"), MB_OK
        case 25
          invoke MessageBox, 0, CTEXT("myvalue == 25"), CTEXT("The Answer Is"), MB_OK

invoke ExitProcess,0
END start


Nice job and the case logic works very nicely.  That is a method worth remembering.  The following line is not necessary because it is already declared in

QuoteExitProcess PROTO  :DWORD
