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OpenFileDialog slooooowwww

Started by braymailloux, October 23, 2010, 03:35:19 AM

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So whenever explorer / openfiledialog opens my downloads directory its really slow. In windows defense the directory is full of a lot of stuff. I want speed, what do?


Create a subfolder "Old_and_stale", sort by date in Explorer, and shift 90% of your stuff there.


In my tests with a 10.6GB target directory containing 130279 files and 15237 directories, the Open dialog opens in roughly one second. There is a lot of variation possible in the OPENFILENAME structure, and it's possible that one or more of these could have a large effect on the timing. I tested only the simplest case, and only from a console app.

    include \masm32\include\

        ofn      OPENFILENAME <SIZEOF OPENFILENAME,,,szFilter,,,,,,,,szDir>
        szFilter db "all files",0,"*.*",0,0
        szDir    db "d:\downloads",0
        ;szDir    db "c:\ ",0
    invoke Sleep, 3000
    print "X",13,10
    invoke GetOpenFileName, ADDR ofn
    inkey "Press any key to exit..."
end start

eschew obfuscation


I remember reading on an MSDN blog about files downloaded from the internet and slowdowns, possibly to do with the ADS (tagged because it came from the internet).
Unfortunately, I have no idea which blog (there are so many, it's as bad as wiki/tvtropes)  :(
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