Error Running in 16-bit mode, PLEASE help.

Started by omdown, April 30, 2005, 03:17:14 AM

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I know that this is about 16-programming, but it's not about the actual programming itself so I think it should be okay to post here . . . and I'm just learning so I think the campus is the best place for it . . .

I'm having a bit of trouble here, I'm doing a bit of programming in 16-bit mode, and when I click Build 16-bit MASM it runs fine, but when I hit Run MASM, it gives me this error messge:


The system file is not suitable for running DOS and Microsoft Windows Applications.  Choose "close" to terminate the application.
The window has "Close" and "Ignore" buttons, but they both do the same thing.  The program doesn't run, just says "Press any key to continue  .  .  .", and of course on pressing a key it closes.

Does anyone know what I can do to fix this?

Mark Jones

See the sticky above entitled, "Before posting if your code contains INT 21h..."
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


This is a problem with XP SP2 I think, there is an article on the Microsoft Knowlege Base about it somewhere.


Thanks, I'll look into it, if anyone knows anything more specific I would love to hear that too . . .


Basically SP2 overwrites the autoexec.nt with a faulty version, so I restored it from my repair folder.


As AeroASM states you can read about this problem at;en-us;324767.  Note one thing, when you replace any of the three (3) files that can cause this problem, be sure to enable the read only attribute on either config.nt or autoexec.nt (if either one has been replaced) or else the file will be removed by windows when you restart.  If this is not done correctly, the problem will persist.



Thanks guys, you rock.  I owe you all one.   :U