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cannot compile SSE

Started by mineiro, September 01, 2010, 12:09:47 AM

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Hello Sr's; I'm trying to learn SSE from some links and examples from this forum, but I cannot compile.
I have download "h2timings" from here to try, but I'm getting some errors. I tried compile it from many ways, and the code below is from a command line "ml h2timings.asm" with masm32 folder in path.

.asm(308) : error A2008: syntax error : [
.asm(397) : error A2008: syntax error : [
.asm(422) : error A2008: syntax error : xmm
.asm(444) : error A2008: syntax error : [
.asm(469) : error A2008: syntax error : xmm
.asm(492) : error A2008: syntax error : [
.asm(686) : error A2008: syntax error : xmm

The error above is linked to these instructions:    "movdqu [esp], xmm0" "lddqu xmm0, oword ptr [esp]" "movdqu xmm1, [eax]"

Alright, I so tried another example, and download "StrLenSaveXmm", and get these errors.

.asm(169) : error A2008: syntax error : [
.asm(251) : error A2008: syntax error : [

The above error is linked with this instruction: "movdqu [esp], xmm0"
In file "StrLenSaveXmm" have another's "movdqu [esp], xmm0", for example in line 292 or 206 and I don't get errors. I have tried put some additional "dot" and "CASE" like said in another post, but without success.
Thanks for reading my problem, if you have any hint I say to you that I will try it to the end of earth, or if you can post a little example to I try to compile I appreciate much.
regards Sr's, and thanks in advance.
I forgot to say, I'm using masm  Version 6.14.8444 and my processor is "Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  E2160  @ 1.80GHz (SSE4)" but in olly I see only (SSE3) suport.


I expect that you are using ML 6.14 and it doesnt accept the movdqu instruction.... There is a solution for this on the forum.... some macros that emulate the sse instructions I will try to find them....

OK I think this is the link....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Or just use ML 6.15 or later.
eschew obfuscation


Thanks for your answer Sr oex.
I have tried the uppercase without success of .xmm or .mmx. But from your words, why you say "emulate"? This processor don't accept these instructions? Or I need a ML v64 to try? My processor is 32 bits, so, have any way to use ml64 to compile 32bits? I know that i can use another compiler, but I don't like to do all things in one time.
I'm reading the Mark tutorial, and I see this SSE instructions, so, this is why I'm learning SSE to try to understand the divergence betwen some authors about optimization. I have many dificulties because have words that cannot be translated to my language, like throughput(now I understand this), but not the subject I spend 6 months to know what "heap" and "thread" means.
Now I try learn, and if I can't, the other way is osmosis. While this I'm getting the link and spend some hours alone.
thank you Sr oex.

Well Sr MichaelW, I downloaded the last one, I thinked in this hipotesis, but I try it again, thank you for posting Sr.


By emulate I mean these macros add sse capability to version 6.14

As Michael says you could also upgrade ml.exe to a later version.... 6.15 ships with Visual Studio 6 / Visual C++ 6 also you can download VC 2010 (and other versions in between VC6) and use the ml.exe included in these packs however I believe the license is slightly different for commercial use....

I'm not saying you should use ml64.exe this is 64 bit instruction set and isnt the same as sse
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Alright Sr, thank you, now I understand.
I come back to question to Sr Michael how to get this version, I downloaded again in this while and the same version, but you answer he, I can see it's a big download (my net is 150kb, very poor). Tomorrow I go to some 'lan house" to try download this one.
Thank you again Sr oex, and thank you Sr MichaelW.


eschew obfuscation


Really thanks, you save some money from my pocket.
regardsĀ  Sr MichaelW :thumbu

Now I can compile SSE. Thanks for sharing yours experiences.