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Brand new, having some issues.

Started by Loki, February 13, 2010, 04:52:16 AM

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Hi, I just started using MASM and I have a couple quick questions.

First off here is my Code:
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

include     \masm32\include\
includelib  \masm32\lib\msvcrt.lib


MyArray     dword   10,28,39,46,70,93,94,888,1000,2000
Count       dword   0
szFmt       db      'Count=%d  Element=%d' ,0



            mov     EAX, Count
              invoke  crt_printf,addr szFmt, Count, MyArray[EAX]    ; printf()

              inc EAX
              inc Count
              invoke  crt_printf,addr szFmt, Count, MyArray[EAX]    ; printf()

              inc EAX
              inc Count
              invoke  crt_printf,addr szFmt, Count, MyArray[EAX]    ; printf()

              inc EAX
              inc Count
              invoke  crt_printf,addr szFmt, Count, MyArray[EAX]    ; printf()

              inc EAX
              inc Count
              invoke  crt_printf,addr szFmt, Count, MyArray[EAX]    ; printf()

              inc EAX
              inc Count
              invoke  crt_printf,addr szFmt, Count, MyArray[EAX]    ; printf()

              inc EAX
              inc Count
              invoke  crt_printf,addr szFmt, Count, MyArray[EAX]    ; printf()

              inc EAX
              inc Count
              invoke  crt_printf,addr szFmt, Count, MyArray[EAX]    ; printf()

              inc EAX
              inc Count
              invoke  crt_printf,addr szFmt, Count, MyArray[EAX]    ; printf()

              inc EAX
              inc Count
              invoke  crt_printf,addr szFmt, Count, MyArray[EAX]    ; printf()

              invoke  crt__getch          ; getch()         


;               add EAX, 1
;               cmp EAX, 10
;               jb     displayloop
;               invoke  crt__getch          ; getch()
exitloop:                               ; end of program
end         start

I'm just trying to make an array and then display each element to the screen. I was trying to use a loop with jb but my values for EAX are crazy so the loop doesn't work. So I just tried this but I'm still getting random garbage numbers for the array elements. I think I'm missing something really obvious.

Also, what's the easiest way to add a newline after each printf. I tried \n, \r and their combined variations and nothing worked.

For reference here is the output I am getting :

Count=0 Element=10Count=1 Element=93 Count=2 Element=93 Count=3 Element=93 Count=4 Element=93 Count=5 Element=93 Count=6 Element=93 Count=7 Element=93 Count=8 Element=93 Count=9 Element=93


each time you invoke crt_printf, the contents of the EAX register are destroyed
you can push/pop on each invoke...

              inc EAX
              inc Count
        push    eax
              invoke  crt_printf,addr szFmt, Count, MyArray[EAX]    ; printf()
        pop     eax

in this case, Count and EAX are the same - no need to keep the value in both places


Or instead of EAX, ECX, or EDX use EBX, ESI, or EDI as these registers will be preserved across the call.
eschew obfuscation