[mASM] WriteFile's output has unicode in it? How can I stop it from doing this

Started by Dale, November 28, 2009, 10:14:25 PM

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Hi guys, so I am having trouble with unicode in my text file.

I start with Creating a new file (CreateFile) getting the handle, getting its length, then writing to the file.

Then I..

;invoke szMultiCat here
;CreateFile here

push offset writedata
call lstrlen

push 0
push offset bytesWRT ;bytesWRT dd ?
push eax ;strlen
push offset writedata ;writedata db 260 dUP(0)
push hFile ;handle to my file that i got from createfile
call WriteFile

And then when I call writefile with the length of eax.  (lstrlen) Now it writes what it is suppose to write, but the problem is it writes an extra line with unicode in it.

PÿKv?????‹ÿU‹ì·À¥Wv‹U ?HÒ;Ñ,#þÿV‹uPÿ5Ä¥WvVè›A

How do I make it write ONLY what it is suppose to write?  I do not want the above in my text file.  I have probably made an error somewhere, but I am puzzled and do not know what I have done wrong.


Judging from the little code you posted, Write file should not be writing anything to the file, because the first byte of your string is zero so lstrlen should be returning zero.
eschew obfuscation



When you create a new file it has ZERO length.

This is a basic file creation cqall.

      invoke CreateFile,lpFileName,GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
    mov hFile, eax  ; get the file handle

Use Writefile to write data to the open file.

Use SetFilePointer if you need to change WHERE in the file you are writing data. If your file is sequential the pointer is automatically updated after each write.

When you have finised, use CloseHandle on the file handle.

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 :8)my output 'widechar' to 'utf8(no bom)':

_ProcessFile proc _lpszFile
  local @hFile
    ;push ebp
    ;mov ebp,esp
    ;add esp,-4
  inc dwFileCount
    ;inc dword ptr ds:[403010]
  invoke SetDlgItemTextW,hWinMain,IDC_NOWFILE,_lpszFile
   ;不要使用"OllyDRX Ultimate 1.10"的"F8"等它返回。
    ;cmp eax,-1
    ;je short 00401157
   mov @hFile,eax
   invoke GetFileSize,eax,NULL
   add dwFileSizeLow,eax
   adc dwFileSizeHigh,0
   invoke CloseHandle,@hFile
  invoke lstrlenW,_lpszFile
  invoke WideCharToMultiByte,CP_UTF8,0,_lpszFile,eax,addr buffer,sizeof buffer,NULL,NULL
  mov stringLength,eax
  mov hFileWrite,eax
  invoke GetFileSize,eax,NULL
  mov resultFileSize,eax
  add eax,stringLength
  add eax,2
   ;每行尾都放的"0Dh, 0Ah"字符的长度。
  invoke SetFilePointer,hFileWrite,eax,NULL,FILE_BEGIN
  invoke SetEndOfFile,hFileWrite
  invoke SetFilePointer,hFileWrite,resultFileSize,NULL,FILE_BEGIN
  invoke WriteFile,hFileWrite,addr buffer,stringLength,addr hasWriteBytes,NULL
  invoke WriteFile,hFileWrite,addr CRLF,2,addr hasWriteBytes,NULL
  invoke CloseHandle,hFileWrite
_ProcessFile endp

sorry for no time to delete these windows-936 ansi characters.



No problems and it looks good. Unicode big 5 if I am correct.

One question, what do you use to write unicode for this character set ?

I keep the east asian fonts loaded so I can display Japanese and Chinese.
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Hutch, there are a number of chinese input editors. I use NJSTAR from http://www/njstar.com.au
It is shareware but there is no nag attached.
Comes in two ways - a line editor called 'NJStar Communicator' that works like a statusbar that inputs to whatever program has the focus. It works with qeditor. Does chinese, english and korean.
Another option is to download the full editor from the same site. The editor has a good dictionary. Write, cut, paste.
There are several input methods. Pinyin is favoured but it requires you know the language.
There is an english input but only trust it for for the most simple phrases.
Play with it. It is fun.
You can learn a couple hundred words in not time.
If you are thinking to write a chinese interface, I would recommend getting a chinese speaker to do it for you.
Both programs also do a lot of the unicode wingdings/symbols. Works easier than most char maps.



I already have an editor called WAKAN that can produce eiter Japanese or Chinese characters from a large collection of dictionaries with the option of using a US English keyboard. With Japanese you get Hiragano phonetics and a list of Kanji under it so you can pick which is closest to what you are after. In Japanese the hardest part is comprehending the particles.

I gather wth UtillMasm's answer that he uses a method something like IME to type chinese characters into EditPlus.
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