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Started by Statix Star, December 22, 2004, 08:06:31 PM

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Statix Star

I had one petition,

Sorry for broking the promise of the 1 weekly but I need to stay out of the doubt. HLA AOA seems a great documentation for beginners, most of the times you have to check the HLA Stdlib.hhf. Will there be a link to the selected KEYWORD to the stdlib. ?
Also, it doesn't explains of what it does like the first examples in the AOA. Program Convert to hex seems reasonable but it doesn't
reminds of what MOV is? At least link to the MOV instruction which it's explained. Another thing if what does the abbreviations
means? Like the registers. The Masm32 Doc I was trying to figure it out, I search in the Win32hlp file. Too many abbreviations
that they are not tell. So, it will be useless creating a doc for Masm32 which I had develop. What does the Write Great Code offers


Something that I have found is to not rely on a single piece of documentation.  For example, the registers are explained in the Intel documentation and other references linked to by Mr. Hyde's site.  There's the MASM Programmer's Guide, the MASM Reference, Intel and AMD docs, MSDN (both online and the library subscription), and a many others.

What I do, is to create my own set of notes based on related information gleened from many different sources.

For the issue with the instruction mnemonics used in HLA, look at Appendix B-1 in the back of the book.

Statix Star


I was looking forward mainly for the Masm32. Because the Win32.hlp doesn't have all the names of the abbreviations seeing.
I have the MSDN cds which I'm going to look for it tomorrow, the Intel Manual I didn't check the links but I see that it has many
of them. What I said is that it will facilitate in making it much easier for beginners by explaining more things. I see that most people
that likes to read and are astutes request whole information and detail of everything with description. That's really a good idea
so if there are many people like me you could attract them; the thing here completing wise and making it easier will bring more friends
than rather making them take a long path. The Iczelion Tutorial seems some kind fo someone who knows Masm or the Win32
structures well so they can use it. I was creating one I found good the Win32.hlp, still have to check the Intel guide, & MSDN cd.
Since the PlatformSDK I haven't check and I don't know if you have to buy or download product to be able to get it.
Also, if I have time in burning the Masm32 doc in cdr-w since the standard computer they did something that I can't use internet
with this router. Only I can with another computer or using this same computer in another router. Some cfg problems which
I don't know how to fix? The thing is that the Red Card only is capable of getting a manual ip address, an automatic is not able to
dot it and my ISP after losing the IP manually. They said is forbidden to use a manual ip address.