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HIDE 1.0.6

Started by Sevag.K, April 03, 2005, 09:39:58 PM

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New version of HIDE is now available

HIDE 1.0.6

Get it from the aoaprogramming files section ("HLA Programs" folder)
or at the HIDE home page.

Changes in 1.0.6

Updates to tools:
HLA      v.1.75
FASM      v.1.60
ResEd      v.
POtools   v.3.00.3
cCalc      v.1.05
khla      v.0.30
kmake      v.0.3.3.c

Changes to HIDE:

-Made some fixes to debug.lib and config.lib and hidelib.lib

-'Insert File at Cursor'   menu item added to File.

-'Open Recent'      menu added to File.
   Stores up to 10 recently opened files.

-'edit .hpr'         menu added to 'Option'
   Opens the project .hpr file into an edit window.

-More integration with FASM.  In No Project mode, if a
file is saved with an .asm extension, FASM is used
directly to assemble the file.  Output will be
If another output name is desired, you may temporarily
change the output name in "Compiler Settings"

-'Set Paths' in Options menu now accepts relative PATH
$   HIDE home folder
$$   Current folder, use this cautiously as HIDE
   constantly juggles the "current" folder
   around internally.

-'Find/Return Declare' (F2)   menu item added to Edit
Also works with middle mouse button.
Tries to find the location where the word under the
carot (or mouse cursor if middle button is clicked)
was declared.
Selecting this item again (or F2 or middle mouse
button) returns to the original position.

Note: at this time, this only works with files that
are in the project list.  External include files
(such as w.hhf and stdlib.hhf) are not included in
the search.

-'Color Picker'      menu added to Tools
   returns the selecter color's HEX value to the
   current carot position.  If no edit window
   is open, it is sent to the Output Window.

-'Open Console'      menu added to Tools
   runs %COMSPEC%
-'Calculator'         menu added to Tools
   runs 'calc'

-Clicking any of the child windows now sets
HIDE as forground window, if it is behind other

-Added commandline parsing:
You can now launch HIDE from the commandline using
a list of filenames as arguments.
HIDE also accepts files from Explorer by dragging
source files to the HIDE icon or shortcut.
Also, Explorer types may be set to launch HIDE and
open sources just by clicking on source icons.

-New Settings for "HIDE Settings"

-You may now specify a number of backups to create.
Backups are created in <project>\bak folder if the
project was created with that option, otherwise they
are created in HIDE\temp
Backup file nameing convention use the following rules:
[n]<filename>.<extension> where n is the number of the
Backups are only available in Project mode.
Note: if you are upgrading there may be a number
already in the backup field (possibly a very large number)
so it may be wise to set this to an appropriate value.

Sending Console output to Output Window:
Checking this option will send all console program output
to HIDE's Output Window.  This feature is still 'raw' and
doesn't allow standard input, only output.
There is a stalling problem with this if stdout data is
rather long (this stalling also occurs with long error
lists in the compiler).  I'm looking into it.

Open Last Project:
   Automatically opens the last project you worked on.

HIDE information:

HIDE is a complete HLA programming IDE and package ready to compile and run
programs as soon as it is unzipped from the archive.

Features in the package:

HIDE   The main IDE.
   -no install necessary, it can be run from virtually any
    folder.  All paths are relative and updated each time
    HIDE loads (if necessary).
   -autogeneration of make file for easy project management of
    modular programming.
   -option to auto-complete common HLA structure keywords
   -1 click/key jump to declarations
   -debug mode and debug window to display output.
   -properties viewer and project view for easy navigation of
    large projects.
   -option to integrate with a debugger of your choice.
   -templates for fast and easy startup of new applications.
   -code folding, bookmarks, highliting, resource editor and more.
   -minimum impact on system registry (only ResEd uses it to save
    window position).

HLA   Randall Hyde's HLA compiler, the HIDE package comes with hlaparse
   (the core of the HLA compiler), the HLA standard library and
   corresponding header files.

FASM   Tomasz Grysztar's Flat Assembler.

   polink, polib, porc and Windows libraries from Pelle Orinius's
   PellesC package.

ResEd   Ketil Olson's resource editor and RAEdit.dll

cCalc   A bit-mask generator with a visual aid of 32bits register
kmake   A scirpt processor with a custom syntax and Borland 'Make'
   compatibility mode (limited).
khla   A custom front-end for hlaparse which uses a configuration
   file for paths and options.

HIDE, cCalc, kmake and khla are open-source programs.
HIDE package is released free of charge for commercial or
personal use as long as the terms and conditions of the licenses
are upheld.
Licence information may be found in the HIDE\Documents\Licences folder.
Tools that don't have licences are released either Public Domain or
freeware.  More information can be found at the appropriate web sites

Randall Hyde

good job!
You even beat my post announcing HLA v1.75 :-)
Randy Hyde


HIDE 1.0.6.b uploaded to above links.

Fixed bug in New Project folder creation.


New version of HIDE is now available

HIDE 1.0.6.g

Get it from the aoaprogramming files section ("HLA Programs" folder)
or at the HIDE home page.

Primary mirrors:

Changes in 1.0.6.g

Updates to tools:
HLA      v.1.76

Mostly a maintenence release with some bug fixes:
-templates should now work properly
-fixed some path issues
-changing the project folder now works
-fixed wierd behavior when doubleclicking on sizing bars

HIDE now uses a standard output buffer of 0x100000 bytes
so redirecting console output to the output window will not
cause stalling problems (unless output exceeds 0x1000000

HIDE information:

HIDE is a complete HLA programming IDE and package ready to compile and run
programs as soon as it is unzipped from the archive.

Features in the package:

HIDE   The main IDE.
   -no install necessary, it can be run from virtually any
    folder.  All paths are relative and updated each time
    HIDE loads (if necessary).
   -autogeneration of make file for easy project management of
    modular programming.
   -option to auto-complete common HLA structure keywords
   -1 click/key jump to declarations
   -debug mode and debug window to display output.
   -properties viewer and project view for easy navigation of
    large projects.
   -option to integrate with a debugger of your choice.
   -templates for fast and easy startup of new applications.
   -code folding, bookmarks, highliting, resource editor and more.
   -minimum impact on system registry (only ResEd uses it to save
    window position).

HLA   Randall Hyde's HLA compiler, the HIDE package comes with hlaparse
   (the core of the HLA compiler), the HLA standard library and
   corresponding header files.

FASM   Tomasz Grysztar's Flat Assembler.

   polink, polib, porc and Windows libraries from Pelle Orinius's
   PellesC package.

ResEd   Ketil Olson's resource editor and RAEdit.dll

cCalc   A bit-mask generator with a visual aid of 32bits register
kmake   A scirpt processor with a custom syntax and Borland 'Make'
   compatibility mode (limited).
khla   A custom front-end for hlaparse which uses a configuration
   file for paths and options.

HIDE, cCalc, kmake and khla are open-source programs.
HIDE package is released free of charge for commercial or
personal use as long as the terms and conditions of the licenses
are upheld.
Licence information may be found in the HIDE\Documents\Licences folder.
Tools that don't have licences are released either Public Domain or
freeware.  More information can be found at the appropriate web sites


You beat out Randy's post again : )

Good going, HIDE is actually a rather nice program.
Where's there's smoke, There are mirrors.
Give me Free as in Freedom not Speech or Beer.
Thank You and Welcome to the Internet.


Hehe.  Not always a good thing though.  Release g was flawed (a bad file managed to sqeak into the archive).
Version 1.0.6.h fixes that flaw (already up at same links).


I have a beta version of HIDE for testing until
the next version.  If anyone wants to participate,
make a copy of your existing HIDE.exe and download
the new one at the following link:

Just copy the HIDE.exe file to your HIDE folder.

You will need to be updated to HIDE 1.0.6.h for this
to work properly.

Testing in 1.0.6.i -beta:

The status bar will show the values of constants
and static variables with an initial value and
procedure declarations of any 'word' that the
cursor is floating over.

Constants/sections created by macros will be
invisible to HIDE.

In order for procedures to display properly, all
the arguments must be on a single line (as I haven't
written a procedure formatting function yet).
For example, this will work:

procedure myproc ( arg1:string; arg2:string );

Floating the cursor over any occurance of "myproc"
in your source will show "arg1:string; arg2:string"
on the status bar (assuming the source is saved
and HIDE has scanned the properties).

This will not work properly, HIDE will not find any
arguments it:

procedure myproc

Other limitations:
external functions are not included (windows
header, stdlib headers).

Currently the feature works on the words under
the mouse cursor.  Would it be better to process
words under the carot instead (or as well)?

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