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GoAsm SDK Release!(Not offical)

Started by ecube, April 03, 2009, 02:22:34 AM

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Quote from: donkey on June 04, 2009, 01:09:35 AMIt seems it only took the 64 bit headers and your SDK to get some fence sitters to lean our way.
But it's also something natural.. like a migration period due to f* up resources somewhere elseĀ  :green
Tho tbh I'm still comparing goasm to fasm.. will be a hard decision to stick with one of both :\

Quotenotably a way to program for .NET from assembly
And that one made me damn curious ! Coz I'm also tinkering with it sometimes.
Nothing worth to be posted tho :\ Oh s***, I sound like a fence guy right now :green
As soon as I see what you're about with .NET, I will try to add some stuff..


Speaking of language interoperability, may I also suggest AutoItX.

I hate .NET mainly because of the horrible dependencies. AutoIt and AutoItX have no dependencies and are reasonably lightweight (impressive for a light-weight language)


Thanks Donkey, and yeah I appreciate you yelling into a vaccuum, otherwise I wouldn't of discovered GoASM :) The SDK won't be much longer, once ready, i'm going to setup a email specifically for any questions/submissions people have, and upload the SDK to various places this time so it's more easily attainable. I really hope Jeremy has the time to check this one out, and if approves makes it official and hosts off his site. Because I've combined the best of many worlds in these two versions, and i'm very excited for this next release. You guys won't have to wait much longer, my workload is going to be a lot less after today. Some additional examples you guys can look forward to consist partly of

-3rd party added(in the enterprise version)
- RadASM(tweaked to work with GoASM)
- EasyASM

- lot more networking
- various ntdll function examples
- more com
- opengl/directx
- drivers
- pelib
- 3rd party interactions(rarlib, sqlight, autoitx, winamp,etc...)

some additional documentation
- iczelion tuts
- agners optimization
- MichaelW optimization
- madwizard winsock tuts/examples

Most of you are looking forward to the preprocessor, it's officially in version 1.0 now, no more beta. that'll be included, and theres 80% chance the inline math support I been workin so hard on will be included in this inital release, it uses raymonds FPULIB and example of it is

M(9.81 - 9)


mov ecx,7
M(ecx + 5.31)

and the results in the eax

;to do the math,convert to string and put in the buffer
buff = Mst(10.9 + 5.31 * 5 - 3 / 2)

its not a macro, it's an addition to the preprocessor, so it replaces those lines with code GoASM understands. This is the thing im looking forward the most to, as I hate math, especially in ASM, so this simplifies life a great deal IMO.



E^Cube, I'm one of those fence sitters! Can't wait til your SDK with conditionals support is released :)
Oh and a big thanks in advanced for all the hard work you've put into this, this is gonna be extremely helpful to someone like me trying to learn goasm of off the numerous masm tutorials on the net (with lots of .if .elses all over the place).
